Reviews for Worth the Fight
montogma chapter 7 . 5/15/2010
another great chapter! Poor virgil feel so bad for him! Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon!
Loopstagirl chapter 7 . 5/15/2010
ARGGH! Wow! Ok, start with that scene with Jeff calming Virgil down was pure perfection, it was so gorgeous! And then poor ole' John...hmmm...i wonder what his bad feeling is about!

And then i love how you still have kept Scott in it, even though he is the one hurt-brilliant! You captured what is happening to him really well, adored this chapter!

Can't wait for more! ;)
bubzchoc chapter 7 . 5/14/2010
ok need more this is gettin interestin hope there's more soon
sammygirl1963 chapter 7 . 5/14/2010
Oh no, why is a demon out to get Scotty. Thank goodness for the little girl who sent it on it's way or Scotty might have succumbed to his injuries.

I am wondering if the demon thing is what John is sensing about his brother...something being wrong...I mean it seems entirely plausible.

Can't wait for more my friend!
jendarra chapter 6 . 5/12/2010
Another excellent chapter.

I really felt for Virgil, watching his brother wheeled away and wanting to be with him.

Eagerly awaiting further update.
Loopstagirl chapter 6 . 5/11/2010
Ok, even the tissue warning didn't prepare me for that ending, it was so sad! Amazingly written, the depth of emotions is tremendous! It really made me feel for them.

Come on, Scott get better! Virgil's breakdown was so powerful, it was brilliant!

Fantastic chapter, great job as usual! Can't wait for more! :)
MichaelDavid1983 chapter 6 . 5/10/2010
Great update. I cried. I could definatly understand Virgil's reaction to the nurse attempting to restrain him. As I couldn't be sure that my reaction wouldn't be the same given the situation. Can't wait to read more.
sammygirl1963 chapter 6 . 5/10/2010
Oh wow, my heart just breaks for Virgil in this one. he is really losing it after watching Scotty struggle for so long. It's a good thing the others got there when they did to keep him from accidentally hurting the nurse.
MichaelDavid1983 chapter 5 . 5/6/2010
Great update. I don't like it though. I really don't like it when any of our Tracy's are injured. I can't wait to read your next update. Please don't let Scott be irreversably injured.
Silver Bee chapter 5 . 5/6/2010
That was seriously graphic and gory - good work! Poor Scott - things look really desperate. Good reactions from the rest of the family too. Hope you update soon. Bee
jendarra chapter 5 . 5/6/2010
Okay, I expected Scott to be badly injured, but not that bad!

You do intend to make him suffer don't you, and of course the family will suffer right along with him.

Eagerly awaiting another update.
sammygirl1963 chapter 5 . 5/5/2010
Oh wow, I knew things were bad...but I wasn't expecting this bad...woow, poor Scott. He is in a really bad way. I can just iomagine what his condition is doing to his family!
bubzchoc chapter 5 . 5/5/2010
need more cant wait to see wot happens next poor scott hope there's more soon
Loopstagirl chapter 5 . 5/5/2010
Good grief, what have you done to our Scotty?
Wow, this chapter nearly made me cry, it was so beautifully written! And for someone that doesn't know medical talk, you certainly sounded very professional. And them all sounding like they were going to crack, especially Gordon. They all need a great big hug right now!
Can't wait for your next update! :)
Sam1 chapter 5 . 5/5/2010
Dang, Mystik, you sure don't hold back when it comes to hurting Scotty. I cringed more than once whilst reading the descriptiveness of his injuries.

I think you were spot on with Gordon's emotional snapping. He's not used to seeing his big brother hurt so badly.

Glad to see that Jeff is willing to put IR on hold so that the family can be there for Scott and for each other should things get worse.

Hurry with the next update. And remember, it's all about ME! lol
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