Reviews for Rag Doll
Guest chapter 19 . 7/5/2012
please up date soon ive loved the story so far and would love to the see the end

thanks, Taz :)
zerobullshitallowed chapter 19 . 7/2/2012
This is really a great story and I hope you update this! You can do it!
jorewillow chapter 18 . 7/1/2012
Please continue this story. You have me hooked. I particularly enjoyed the dinner at the Vance home, and your OCs are very good.
EditorFin chapter 19 . 6/27/2012
This story is great, normally with undercover fics the aftermath is normally a one or two chapter long epilogue. I like how youve actually included it into the fic
Kari2171 chapter 19 . 6/3/2012
Please do finish, I'm quite enjoying this.
lot56 chapter 19 . 5/18/2012
Update when you can Cheeky.
luana chapter 1 . 5/15/2012
bellissima storia ti prego continua presto :)
rt chapter 19 . 4/25/2012
great great story, please please update soon, pleaseeeeee :)
Laura-trekkie chapter 18 . 4/23/2012
Well, that wasn't fun for Tony, or Gibbs, but I'm glad it wasn't anything more serious. I've also forgiven Danvers and Finn for reporting Tony's little episode to Gibbs now I know it was done purely out of concern.

But what now? Gibbs is wracking his brain for a way to reach Tony and get him to start talking, but being caught snooping isn't the best start to that. Can he salvage this and get Tony to understand why he's snooping?
Laura-trekkie chapter 17 . 4/23/2012
Gah! So much for expecting Senior to be any help! He's just made things worse, given Tony another angle to berate himself from :(. And Danvers didn't need to send her boss over to Gibbs for that one incident, even if it was out of character for the class-clown!DiNozzo Tony presents to his colleagues.

What's up now, though? A reaction to the caffeine tablets on top of the adrenaline and, probably, not much food intake to go with his lack of sleep and stress, or is it something more sinister?
Laura-trekkie chapter 16 . 4/23/2012
I'm glad Gibbs talked to Tony and at least got some of it aired. I'm also glad he and Vance put paid to the emails and gossip.

Poor Tony, dinner at the Vances' was clearly alien and uncomfortable for him, even if he did enjoy the company. It's just so different to anything he's experienced before. Hopefully Senior won't just put the phone down.
Laura-trekkie chapter 15 . 4/23/2012
Well, Ingrid was a surprise, but I'd guessed Sarah Reinhart was one of Tony's visitors. She, at least, seemed to be realising the horrible truth about her husband and father. I'm not surprised Tony just took it, seeing as he believes he deserved it for ruining Sarah's life and using Ingrid, but he's not responsible for Reinhart or Grey's preferences and Ingrid certainly wasn't forced to do what she did and was, in fact, the one to take things further.

Maybe Gibbs will try talking to Tony now, as Ducky suggested.
Laura-trekkie chapter 14 . 4/23/2012
I like Frank. I hope Tony will talk to him if he won't talk to Gibbs (though I'd prefer Gibbs, of course).

I wonder who Tony's visitors are? He's not pleased, so I'm guessing it's not Imee and her mum, so maybe Sarah Grey and her mother. That would certainly make Tony unhappy :(.
Laura-trekkie chapter 13 . 4/23/2012
Yay, I'm glad to see Tony recovered with all his fingers intact and no damage to his brain or memories. He needs to deal with what he saw on the op, but it probably would have been better for him to do it when he was ready and not because his colleagues' jokes have done the opposite of what was intended.

I'm sure Gibbs will lend him an ear if he needs it.
Laura-trekkie chapter 12 . 4/23/2012
That's not a good list of injuries for Tony, but, as Gibbs said, Tony is tough. It may take awhile, but I'm sure he'll be back at work none the worse for wear in the end... Right?

SecNav deserved that punch, so here's hoping Gibbs doesn't get into too much trouble. Of course, callous though it was, SecNav did have a point about this poor little girl taking the heat off Tony.
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