Reviews for Harry Potter and the Wish of Life
Mando-Vet chapter 1 . 8/11
Reread this story and I forgot how great it is! It still holds up
Kashmiran chapter 41 . 7/26
A.M.A.Z.I.N.G story! I read it in 2-3 days. I just couldnt put it down. I absolutely love your style of writing, it grabs hold of you end you keep going. God knows how many times i told myself “this is the last chapter then i go to sleep.” I loved EVERYTHING about this story, or course from the life with James and Lily, SIRIUS to all of Harry’s friends. It just wasnt the golden trio but saw friendship between Harry and Draco. Ethan, was the cherry on top. And SIRIUS LIVEDDDDDDDD!

Please do give us the last chapter. I know its been a few years since your last update but please do upload the final chapter. I have added this story to my favorites as IT IS and i look forward to getting a notification for when you upload the final chapter that so many of us are CRAVING!

THANK YOU for writing this story. It was an absolute pleasure to read! God bless you!
Kashmiran chapter 38 . 7/26
Im glad you showed Ginny as you did. I strongly believe Harry deserved better than Ginny. She seemed too obsessed with him from the start. The fame, the glory and when she got possessed by Voldyshorts, she thought she was now entitled to be attached to Harry’s hip. Like you said, she started think herself equal to Harry. Unfortunately many fanfic stories have her as Harry’s equal; getting special trainging alongside Harry and becoming an animagus with him… (their animagus complimeting one another) like Lily’s patronus to James’ stag. Glad you didnt pair her with Harry.
Kashmiran chapter 9 . 7/24
So if the Harry from this world was trained in Occlumency and Harry from other universe has memories of both of them… then this Harry is also trained in Occlumency RIGHT? I mean yes,right now hat memory is locked but it will be unlocked gradually…. RIGHT?!
Kashmiran chapter 9 . 7/24
HE’S ALIVEEEEEEEEE! *Rafiki’s voice*
Kashmiran chapter 4 . 7/24
Why isnt Sirius at Harry’s birthday party? I miss him. He better not be dead. Or i swear to God…
Kashmiran chapter 4 . 7/24
Wait!? James executed the prank without Sirius? Whete IS Sirius btw?
fantasyfanatic020 chapter 41 . 6/5
Guest chapter 41 . 2/27
I really hope u publish the next one soon
THIS STORY IS AMAZING i read it in 2-3 days

Pleaaseee consider publishing it

You r an amazing writer, loved the story
(And im awful at phrasing so yea)
Animago chapter 41 . 2/14
Nos últimos capítulos, achei que estaria completo, porque faltava tão pouco, mas tão pouco... e a cena foi tão dolorosa... ai meu deus. Pobre harry, pobre família de harry... eu amei a maneira da sua morte. O sacrifício, a dor, as testemunhas, os seus pais, seu irmão e seus amigos o viram ser esfaqueado. Tanto sangue, o sangue dele, manchando o chão, libertando todos da escuridão. O Sacrifício perfeito. Eu preciso realmente ver isso, preciso realmente ver esse desfecho, mas como todas as estórias maravilhosas desse site, me despeço com um agradecimento profundo pelo tempo que passei lendo essa estória. Afinal, é o prazer e a diversão que importa enquanto ler, não o final, embora seja a única coisa que estou pensando nesse momento. Muito, realmente, muito obrigada.
Animago chapter 40 . 2/14
Finalmente. Eu queria um epílogo fru-fru, bastante fofo, o amor compartilhado entre essa família fofa.
Animago chapter 38 . 2/14
Eu também acho um pouco ridículo ginny usar a experiência do diário como um tipo de aproximação com o harry. Ela era apenas uma simples menina boba na época, imagine as conversas entre Tom e ginny.
Animago chapter 37 . 2/14
Estou mais empolgada de ver a "morte" de Harry e a luta harryxtom! Não sei se acontecerá e nem sei se será desse jeito.
Animago chapter 33 . 2/14
Adoro coisas épicas!
Animago chapter 32 . 2/14
As coisas ainda estão canon, por assim dizer, então ainda acredito na inocência de Severus. Eu estou amando isso...
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