Reviews for The Squib and The Potions Master
Droxy chapter 1 . 6/29/2004
Oh that was fun! Nicely written. I like Filch's voice. Good Snape.
Gen chapter 1 . 6/10/2004
Are you sure you're not J.K. Rowling in disguise? I love the sarcastic responses of Filch and Snape. I loved the part (I hope I can remember it correctly. Bear with me) "It hit me harder than the Hogwarts express," I wheezed. "There's nothing remotely 'fluffy' about it!"
duj chapter 1 . 4/22/2004
Great take on both Filch and Snape. Love the imagery too.
One of my favourite fics.
Iarejedi chapter 1 . 12/11/2003
That was really good. I quite enjoyed it. There aren't many stories from Filch's point of view and it ws neat to read on that was actually worht while. Great job!
crockywock chapter 1 . 11/27/2003
This is excellent. Gawd, you have created a wonderful piece of fanfiction here. I am actually staring at it, wondering whether you are JKR in disguise.

So well in character. So beautiful to read. I am amazed at your talent with words. I have never read a Filch fic before, and I would never have thought that anything from his point of view could be so enjoyable.

I love your Snape. He is my favourite character and you treat him so wonderfully. So much like I imagine him. And just how he is presented in the books. Well done.
KatieSkarlette chapter 1 . 11/18/2003
This is one of the first HP fanfics I've read, but it came highly recommended. And I wasn't disappointed! This is marvelous! The various metaphors for Snape's glares and tones were very effective. Glints of wry humor and wit, too. Two thumbs up!
ReeraTheRed chapter 1 . 8/31/2003
Most Excellent! I like seeing hidden depths in Filch - I'd always expected they were there. VERY well written, too. (I'm also inclined to like anyone with the handle of "Ozma" _).

So, are you writing pro fic?
chickens chapter 1 . 8/29/2003
Thas is very good! Very good
Moriel Malkin chapter 1 . 8/6/2003
Lovely chapter.

You might want to consider revising this a bit though, and clarifying the timeline. I am left a bit unclear on exactly when Snape was injured, and why he is bleeding all over the corridors. If I recall aright, Harry saw Filch dressing Snapes wound some time after Halloween, so I think this is well after Halloween, yet his injuries seem to be fresh and still bleeding- Is an anti coagulent part of the Cerberus saliva/venom or is it a side effect of the healing potion? (Perhaps it prevents the wound from closing or healing until all the venom has been bled out of the flesh. It's a rather extreme mentod of cleansing a wound, and very hard on the body, but it would be effective.)

Or was Snape reinjured chacking on the corridor *after* halloween?

It is a minor point, but clearing it up would make this story a lot more satisfying for nit-pickers like me! (Yep, I admit it. I am a canon Nazi- a nice one, who Likes AU's, when they are defined as such, but still one.)

Thanks for the lovely tale- I hope my suggestions help, and don't just annoy or discourage you.

izean chapter 1 . 5/21/2003
Good one! First story ever story I've read featuring Snape and Filch and I must say that I'm quite glad to find one as good as yours.

I love the way you kept the characters so close to canon. Filch was beautifully done; the way he did not even flinch when Snape's wand was pointed at him. Snape was nicely portrayed too.

Fabulous job. I love it.
The Amazing Maurice chapter 1 . 4/13/2003
Perfect. Brilliant. Classic. Ozma. *mwa* Damn, I love your writing!
Helna chapter 1 . 2/8/2003
I'm really going throught you stories! Very good one!
Ryals-Shoal chapter 1 . 2/2/2003
This was well done! A very nice portrayle of Filch's personality!
Wolfie chapter 1 . 1/17/2003
Wonderful! (applause) Very good indeed!

May Wolfie's Den have permission to archive this story? If you'd like to take a look around, the URL is wolfiesden. and to get to the Harry Potter archive merely click on the link for Suspicious Muggle Fiction.

You've captured Filch and Snape perfectly. Think I'll jot over and see what else you've done, eh?

Cortana49 chapter 1 . 1/15/2003
That was a great filler!
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