Reviews for The Squib and The Potions Master |
Mr. Slothperson3995 chapter 1 . 2/24/2002 Bravo! Filch was so caring (how ironic.) to Prof. Snape. This has got to be the best Filch Fic in the history of mankind; you should make a sequel. |
oOwth chapter 1 . 2/24/2002 *-* well written work where we went ((avoid alliterations always)) u do a great job portraying filch. |
Gramarye chapter 1 . 2/19/2002 ::chortles:: Fabulous story. You write Filch so well, and with such true understanding of his character. It's a pleasure to see an author who can focus on the lesser-known (and lesser-liked) characters and make them come alive. Cheers! |
Lizard of Fire chapter 1 . 2/9/2002 YAY! I love Filch fics. . Very nice, I like how you've written it and weaved in the dialouge at the end. |
Elspeth chapter 1 . 2/7/2002 Great story! I don't think I've ever seen anything written from Filch's POV before (much less something that made me actually like/sympathize with him). Filch and Snape were both great; perfectly in character ("I don't hate all the students. Only most of them."-great line!). I especially liked the way all of the descriptions of Snape's glares revolved around cleaning (Caustic enough to scub off centuries of grime, ect.), very appropoirate for Filch. And "The Boy Who'd Just Distracted Snape" was classic. |
Andolyn chapter 1 . 2/7/2002 "The-Boy-Who'd-Just-Distracted-Snape- Oh ths one is -golden-! Wonderfull story, with an insightfull Filch who -can- feel magic, and a well written seriously chagrinned Snape! Very well done indeed! |
cloudshape chapter 1 . 2/6/2002 Nice story. Very well written and you got Snape perfectly. Filch for that matter too. Their relationship is very believable and actually I always wondered how it happened that Filch was helping Snape as he was. You might want to advice Mrs Rowling to include that little scene in the next editions of the first Harry Potter book. ;-) I hope to see more of your writing. |
Still believes Snivellus aka Heather Granger chapter 1 . 2/6/2002 Wow great story. You have a great nack for writting, keep it up. |
Elizabeth chapter 1 . 2/6/2002 This was really good. Filch is not one of those characters from whose POV most authors would want to narrate, but you did a wonderful job with him. A match for our beloved Potions Master. And your Snape! Some of your descriptions of his expressions and tone of voice were priceless - I loved the comment about being able to clear away centuries of grime from the walls with the corrosive power of his stare (or something like that). You've got him absolutely spot on. I hope you write more about Snape (and Filch, for that matter. He had some of the best lines in the movie - "God, I miss the screaming.")Good work! |
Priestess Minerva chapter 1 . 2/6/2002 That was cool! Filch really can be a nice guy ever now and then _ |
Yrfeloran chapter 1 . 2/6/2002 I'm impressed. A nice piece of work all around. |
Zebee chapter 1 . 2/6/2002 I liked it. Nice concept, good dialogue. Argus is not used enough or well, I like what you did here. |
Ivory Tower chapter 1 . 2/6/2002 Great story! I actually like Filch for a change. |
mrs.snape i wish chapter 1 . 2/6/2002 ROFLMAO! |
bluemeanies chapter 1 . 2/6/2002 very good, I don't think I've ever seen this done before |