Reviews for Emperor
miner249er chapter 7 . 2/14/2011
such a great chapter, its hard to find great stories like this one, I look forward to the next chapter!
Milarqui chapter 7 . 2/14/2011
WOW. That was magnificent. Even though Spain is my country, I have to say that seeing them being smacked around has been great. I hope to see more about how Harry gets to raise in power.
Capito Celcior chapter 7 . 2/14/2011 I have waited for this next chapter. Truly, this is one magnificent story. It is so in depth, so takes the best ideas from FullMetal Alchemist's State Alchemist concept and fits it in a world so recognizable...

You sir, are a veritable writing genius for having created this. It is only unfortunate that you need the Harry Potter Wizarding World concept for this idea to work, or you would have needed to put in some severe effort in creating your own version and taken a very long time setting that up for us, or you could have made this in a real book.

I salute thee, oh great genius. May you find inspiration a plenty and update this story as swiftly as the seconds pass by.

Very soon.
Unkown chapter 7 . 2/13/2011
I have to say, I enjoy the story you have written for its length and content. It’s quite amusing on a number of levels without seemingly any real dull moments throughout the chapters. As for the foreign language its called google translator I am sure people can figure that out for them self. Update soon your writing is really good.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/13/2011
The story idea is definitely interesting and you try to create some political strategical atmosphere which works but where it completely fails is the tactical real war parts. As if people would defend themselves against ladders in castles against modern armies. That's completely ridiculous.

The whole conventional army parts with mixed magic just doesn't work to create a convincing environment. Another thing which just fails is this pointless war in spain and there's no reaction from the other european countries. That scenario just doesn't come over convincing.

Even under the assumption that spain would start a war to conquer Gibraltar it's REALLY hard to believe the UK would start such massive strike back and is even in the position to move the needed material into spain.

You should have first created a believable conflict scenario for european to make this whole operation really working. Like oil crisis start resource conflicts, north african's can't pay food prices anymore and try to immigrate to spain and other south european countries which then caused massive chaos, whatever necessary to explain a complete out of control political systems in europe. If you aim big, which you did, it must be believable to some degree.
RespectStarfish chapter 7 . 2/13/2011
Every time you write a new chapter or a new story it makes my day. Loved this chapter, it was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant beyond belief.

I do have a question though... is there a current monarch of the UK, or was the line of Succession Destroyed in the terrorist attack? Is the throne vacant?

Thanks so much for the chapter. Again, *amazing*
karthik9 chapter 7 . 2/13/2011
it is excellent chapter i look forward to future updates
nobother chapter 7 . 2/13/2011
great chapter
Usagi-sempai chapter 7 . 2/13/2011
love the story please continue it cant wait to see what happens next
Akira Stridder chapter 7 . 2/13/2011
shock! ahhh someone stole the crown? ..hahaha
Raiden1978 chapter 7 . 2/13/2011
hey if you changed the names of the character and some of the magic stuff, this would be a pretty amazing original story. Its got action, strategy, suspense and just enough drama to keep people interested. Maybe you could find a publisher and publish it as your own story. Of course you have to finish it first! good luck
kidneysrgood chapter 7 . 2/13/2011
I have been waiting for this chapter for so long now, and I am so happy to have read it. Well done. Harry is now a general, and the crown has been stolen, allowing for a power transfer to happen. I can't wait for this.
mew mew chapter 6 . 1/6/2011
Ginny needs to be Harry's f***toy.. a very cunning and beautiful f***toy. Possible? Maybe.. I await your next update with great anticipation.
Failing Mentality chapter 6 . 12/15/2010
I risk Francis White's wrath on me for saying this now that his world order has been determined, but I give you MY allegiance and worship.
Tuesday Next chapter 3 . 12/14/2010
Love this story!

Re: the economics discussed here, I don't know if someone else has already commented on this or not, but you've got it pretty much right.

If the Ministry borrowed more and more money, the Goblins would raise interest rates for them-if they failed to pay back (defaulted) what would happen depends on the specific laws in Magical Britain and/or treaties with Goblins. In the real world a country defaulting on its debt would probably be bailed out by the IMF or some other international organization (like what happened with Greece).

However, assuming the Ministry didn't actually default, the increased borrowing would cause a "crowding-out effect", where gold becomes scarcer because the Ministry is borrowing so much, so interest rates go out and private borrowing thus decreases. However, the exact effects of this depend on the nature of the economy-can people borrow money from abroad? Do other magical countries use the same currency? If they all use a gold-based currency then the currencies would have fixed relative values- they wouldn't appreciate or depreciate relative to one another-and people could borrow more easily because the Ministry's debt would have less of an impact on the global supply of gold.

There also is the question of how permeable the barrier is between the Magical and Muggle economy. How easily can Muggle gold be converted into Galleons, if at all? Since Muggle money isn't on the gold standard, currency exchange rates would fluctuate, with Magical money appreciating (becoming more expensive) relative to Muggle money due to its relative scarcity. If the Potters can bring Muggle gold in, why can't the Goblins do that themselves? One explanation: If the Goblins have to Muggle holdings, or possible exports to the Muggle world, this would make it difficult for them to get Muggle gold without an intermediary who has ties to both worlds.

Anyway, your explanation is fairly correct for a fairly closed economy, which Magical Britain seems to be; another question to ask would be if Gringotts is run like a normal bank. That is, they take in deposits and then loan that money out, keeping only a small margin. This seems at odds with JKR's portrayal of vaults filled with gold coins; in her books it doesn't seem that the Goblins lend out their depositers' money. This would also likely mean that people don't receive interest on their deposits; think of the vaults more like safety deposit boxes than savings accounts. If this is the case there would be very little money for the Goblins to loan to anyone above what they receive in fees. This would explain the relative backwardness of the Magical economy as the difficulty of obtaining a loan would make investment in new enterprises rare.

But this is probably way more depth than you needed. The short answer is your take on the economy is relatively accurate if Gringotts works like a modern bank, but the Magical economy is completely cut off from the Muggles and fairly cut off from other magical countries.
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