Reviews for Emperor
Lazrusto chapter 10 . 4/6/2021
I love this story so much
x2leoj chapter 2 . 3/7/2021
Hmmmmmmmmmmm James Potter dueling Lord Voldemort for 2mins... I think not.

James Lilly Potter killing Lord Voldemort, huuuuh? I definitely think not. His magical or visual awareness would pick up on the runic trap spells around him and/or he would notice them casting it.

Even still Voldemort should obliterate them with relative ease, they have barely finished their Hogwarts education.
Hallow 176 chapter 27 . 3/7/2021
I think this fic has really great potential. You had original ideas for a plot/ technology, yet it’s just hindered by 3 things:
1. Harry here verges on being a Gary Stu - whereas one of the best things about the books is that Harry’s not perfect. He doesn’t have 5x everyone elses’ magical reserves despite having never been to a magical school and hardly ever practising, he’s not incredible good looking, nor is he a great tactician (that was Ron’s job). Academically, he’s distinctly average. Canon Harry just has a lot of luck and above all a belief in goodness that drives him. This Harry reads like a different person.
2. The battle scenes become a bit repetitive - I think maybe if the continents/enemies were mixed up a bit more (e.g. Vietnam guerrilla warfare, wizard cowboys in Texas) and the main characters ever seriously lost it could be more readable. Yes, there’s the occasional setback (a single bomb, a bad bit of PR) but Harry is never seriously screwed [think when everyone thought he was the Heir of Slytherin and he was a social outcast, or when he was on the run from the Death Eaters]. His endless reserves of ‘money, charisma and talent’ mean everything’s solved in a click, and he’s a lot less relatable. This also lowers the stakes and feels repetitive.
3. The side characters are poorly characterised and interesting canon characters are shafted. One of the best things about the HP universe is that even the minor characters are brilliantly characterised e.g. Ron has red hair, is one of seven and wants attention, is gluttonous/comedy relief/a surprisingly good tactician. I couldn’t tell you a single detail about most of the introduced OCs. Whereas characters like Hermione, Snape, Lily - who could have had really interesting plot arcs - are introduced briefly or forgotten about. This leads me on to my final point:
4. No one questions Harry. The UK on the whole accepts the loss of democracy (this would not happen). Neville never questions if it was Harry who framed him - even though all evidence points to that. Two visits to him in prison makes Ginny change her world view. His girlfriend/mum/dad lose all their spunk and generally accept his decisions that should completely horrify them. This means there’s no conflict with any characters we’re invested in - just faceless French and Spanish soldiers. No Lily betraying her son, horrified by who he’s become, or Neville confronting Harry about framing him, or his wife trying to divorce the King when he is the Law. No exposing video footage (everyone still has phones) on YouTube. No Luna despite her father being shown. Everyone reads like wet cardboard.
It has potential, just add in real, breathing people as well as battles.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 1 . 3/7/2021
This fic is so boring. You wrote so much to say and do so little. You probably fancy yourself some historian, but you miss the point of those leaders in favor of all your OC crap no one cares about. And given this will never be completed, it's safe to say you are a failure.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/11/2021
Pathetic Mudblood potter trash
Jigsawiskiller chapter 48 . 1/27/2021
Ok I just binged this monster of a story within a was a delight to read ,very well made and very detailed . J do not believe there is a similar story on fanfiction. I understand it's been 3 years but will there be anything else from the story? As I'm a mite curious on where it was going?
Never the less this was a really well-made story and a pleasure to read.
Spade Zi chapter 1 . 1/20/2021
Just a Spade casually dropping by
SwordBot7000 chapter 48 . 1/3/2021
I know you probably have stuff going on but any idea when the next chapter comes out? I don't know if 3 years is the longest wait but I really hope the story isn't abandoned.
x7porkchop123w chapter 4 . 11/26/2020
what an amazing this is love it
haztendencia chapter 2 . 11/7/2020
Nice author's note section! Only seen on other author do that. Really provides a lot of information.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/6/2020
This structure is a bit like With Strength of Steel Wings actually. Your writing style really is enthralling.
Incantations7 chapter 25 . 9/5/2020
Just an FYIstand up, hook up, and shuffle to the door” is not applicable for HALO jumps, because “hook up” is connecting your parachute to the cable inside the aircraft, which makes the chute immediately open when you jump out. In HALO jumps, the person decides when to pull the cord.

I grew up around the army and ended up joining the navy when I was older, so I’m not trying to feed any BS...
Korvust chapter 22 . 8/25/2020
Please Ginny, don’t cover the smelly coot’s trail
latias-likes-pizza chapter 9 . 8/13/2020
Good story to have stumbled across, very well-written and intriguing.
Only major gripe so is the mention of Birmingham having a 'metro', which frustrates me as a Brummie since you seem to have put decent research into the rest of the city. Victoria Square, the A38, etc. But a metro? Nope. Got aboveground train lines, never a metro
ZhaWarudo chapter 48 . 6/22/2020
The Weaver Option is EPIC, I don't see what's epic about this, sorry. It's like watching Fairy Tail, okay if you're absolutely bored. After reading a big chunk of it, I
just feel I wasted that time. It's not very realistic, too much bullshit. Is it Starcraft or HP, why would something be called fuel crystal when they have magical and silly names for everything. There is only Harry in this story, everyone else is cardboard cutout. His parents, they raised him so they're gone, I actually thought they somehow got killed even though I knew they hadn't. His scientist girlfriend? lol... he's too busy staying in the warzone to take care of an teenage girl, I didn't know military did that.. His cute little brother suddenly became a sociopathic advisor to him. There's more and someone with better eye for literature would spot plenty wrongs I haven't, me I just have a feeling this is wrong and subpar, not terrible but I wasn't never one to read/watch something just because it wasn't terrible.
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