Reviews for I'll Walk You Home
EquinoxKnight01 chapter 5 . 1/16
I guess with any AU with switching "canon" couples, there's bound to be some characters that are bashed to justify the new pairing. It's not in your face, but gentle bashing and it's Suki. She's already not my favorite character in this story by invalidating Appa as a big dumb beast, but her reasoning for ending her own relationship with Sokka is just as aggravating. Like, if it were Zuko in another relationship, Mai would end up being the insufferable one in the whole story. Why can't people just drift apart, post-war, instead of filling in the spot Ozai left as the antagonist?

Anyway, I like this story. The chapters are a bit short but there's currently 64 of them and a long word count, to boot. I'm a sucker for long stories.
Guest chapter 48 . 9/28/2023
Okay so this is very well written but I don’t know if you realise this but Toph is only 12 so this is kind of weird I mean i feel like it would better if they were idk 20? And I know you explained this in previous chapters but this is kind of messed up it’s a good story but you shouldn’t sexualise toph and Sokka that much it’s uncomfortable and Suki is an amazing character but it just feels weird that she is considered to be a “b!tch” which is not okay
It's Marahuyo chapter 11 . 9/21/2023
too much sexual tension i can't they're young huhuhuhu
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 8 . 6/28/2023
Those thugs reactions were super Gary Stu-ish, even more than Sokka has already been so far.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 4 . 6/28/2023
Apparently my mind needs to be cleaned, because when Sokka said the Airbenders would "be back in a few years" I though Ty Lee and Katara both missed his joke about Aang and Katara having kids, and then Sokka says Airbenders went into hiding.
LittleVikingDK chapter 1 . 8/6/2022
i am sorry that this is dead, this is one of the first fanfics i read. however i wanna ask if you do have the outline for the rest of the story i think everyone would love to hear it
srcenatus chapter 1 . 4/26/2022
... wath?
... beth?
PandalillyZK chapter 42 . 3/26/2022
Your Water Tribe history was very believable and some of the best I have read. The notion that Toph is unfamiliar with scabs is far less believable. Surely she earned a few scrapes crawling around in caves and training with badger-moles. XD
PandalillyZK chapter 39 . 3/25/2022
I really hope Sokka and Toph get out of the camp soon. I am so much more okay with the idea of them hooking up with each other than I am with them being sexually harassed by these Travelers. Also, not comfortable with Sokka apologizing to Gia after being harassed.
PandalillyZK chapter 28 . 3/19/2022
Just a friendly reminder that people are still enjoying your Tokka fluff years later. Good fluff is the best.
gabriel288 chapter 21 . 12/6/2021
I ship minh and sokka , sokka getting milfs .plz
mauler564 chapter 46 . 12/2/2021
No hate but these feet scenes are pretty weird ngl
CatQueen07 chapter 10 . 5/31/2021
What exactly does lemons mean? I’ve never been explicitly told
Guest chapter 62 . 5/29/2021
y'all wildin sayin this is the best tokka there is
Guest chapter 62 . 5/18/2021
Hi all, great story loved it, especially the journey portion, I noticed that you (authior) have not updated any stories since this one, I hope you are ok. Truely is the pinacle tokka fanfiction and wheather or not you read this just know that you truely made something worth reading, and you did a good job.
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