Reviews for The Stained Blade
Uiruru Debunsonu1 chapter 1 . 7/30/2002
You seemed to rush the part with teh sword too much. Next time it might be better i f you tried too spend more time on his emotions durrign times like that. Keep going, oh and i hope they don't end up in each others world instead of being in the same one. That would really be cruel to the characters.
Amber chapter 8 . 5/9/2002
So far it is good. Please countinue. Did you notice you called Dr. Lindh Dr jacobson once?
Celestina Marie Black chapter 8 . 4/28/2002
just out of curiosity...why is this chapter called "Seana" if you never even use that word in it?
Celestina Marie Black chapter 7 . 4/28/2002
umm... if will agreed not to open anymore windows, hence the braking of the knife, why now suddenly is it alright to free up some specters?

oh, and, "The clock showed 00.4" huh?
Celestina Marie Black chapter 6 . 4/28/2002
this chapter is good, just, it seemed too easy for lyra to find her guide
Celestina Marie Black chapter 5 . 4/28/2002
aletheiometer! even if you are english, Pullman spells it Altheiomether. oh and, i don't think that lyra would say "you read my mind, pan" seeing as how they, for the most part, share a mind
Celestina Marie Black chapter 4 . 4/28/2002
will's not kirjavas master... we are NOT the "masters" of our daemons. they are us, and we are them
Ceres Wunderkind chapter 8 . 4/11/2002
Well! This is one of the most remarkable HDM fics I've read. More of a hybrid/crossover really but still fascinating. Do keep going!
TheNightIsFading chapter 8 . 4/10/2002
This is good, though it doesn't really follow along with HDM. It seems more like fantasy than sci-fi. Please contiune soon.
Zero Self Esteem chapter 1 . 4/9/2002
Excellent! You must continue! Please... _
Wolf on Air chapter 8 . 4/9/2002
Jo, så kan det vara... jag korrekturläser gärna, om du vill :)

Tack för din positiva kommentar om min egen historia - mer blir det förhoppningsvis snart, men du vet ju vad det *egentligen* innebär...

Har du ICQ/AIM/MSN/YIM? Skulle vara kul att talas vid. Om du inte har något IM-program, överväg att skaffa Trillian ( .cc) - det är ett utmärkt allt-i-ett-program.
The Author Himself chapter 8 . 4/9/2002
[Swedish responce since Wolf on Air is, apparently, aslo Swedish ;)]

Tack för komplimangen, Wolf on Air. Jag kör faktiskt stavningskontroll, men eftersom att båda orden finns i engelskan slinker vissa igenom. Kan liksom inte undvikas, tyvärr.

*laughs malignantly at everyone who doesn't understand a word*
Wolf on Air chapter 8 . 4/9/2002
[Swedish review since the author is Swedish]

Mycket bra skrivet - fantasy blir ofta konstlat och tråkigt, men icke så här. Du bör dock köra en stavningskontroll - det heter "knack", inte "nack" osv. :)
Dark Nation42 chapter 8 . 4/8/2002
This is very excellent. I can't wait to see what happens! You've really gotten me intrigued! Please update soon; we all hate having to wait so long! P Toodles, and thanks for your latest review!
Dark Nation Who Can't Possibly Be Bothered To Log In chapter 7 . 3/30/2002
*Glares* You really need to update! Come on! It's a really good story! By the way, the latest chapter of my own HDM fic (The Only Ones Left) is finally up, so give it a read maybe? And please...update soon!
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