Reviews for The Day Albus Dumbledore Never Remembers
reberebecca chapter 1 . 11/1
Ho adorato leggere questo storia! Meravigliosa! In un colpo solo, assolutamente spassosa. Complimenti!
TyDM chapter 1 . 9/17
Great story! I'd always wondered if Tom's "darkness" was a reflection of something Albus did. Based on his pattern of control and active neglect, Tom was clearly a creature of his own making. One wonders if Tom was merely seeking revenge against Dumbledore and his vision, using purebloods as martyr weapons against a corrupt government.
... of course the sticking point is his obvious insanity and treatment of muggles. However, one might attribute this to him slowly going insane, over time, because of horcruxes, and the influence of those around him.
It would be fun it Tom saw Albus get his just desserts and simply turn himself in afterward; "all I ever wanted was to bring down Dumbledore, but you kept him on a pedestal."
BarbedCaress chapter 1 . 5/19
Well done!
KoldT chapter 1 . 3/15/2023
Extremely enjoyable. A very good story.
HoneyBear84 chapter 1 . 3/3/2023
Love it lol
Phantasm32 chapter 1 . 3/2/2023
I agree that was a good way to die laughing
Meegles chapter 1 . 1/9/2023
LOL, that’s hilarious! Love it. What an imagination you have!
Katherine Rosalie Hale chapter 1 . 10/16/2022
Oh Merlin, I just love this story! It has gotten me through the worst days in my cancer battle. Thank you so very much!
Duchess67 chapter 1 . 10/2/2022
This was GREAT! *still laughing*
adelgado04291 chapter 1 . 8/20/2022
Awesome . Thank you for posting
Katzztar chapter 1 . 6/16/2022
Prophesies are tricky things. It said, "The dark lord", not "the Dark lord Voldemort". Judging by his actions in this story, Dumbledore could have been the dark lord of the prophesy and Harry giving him those potioned candies would fulfill the "vanquished by his hand" bit.
yochan123 chapter 1 . 4/25/2022
great ending! poetic justice

bye snape as well this shit
kimjo2 chapter 1 . 3/29/2022
Love Harry wises up stories and this is one of the best! Thanks so much
gentledove2 chapter 1 . 3/27/2022
This has to be one of my favorite top ten Harry Potter works of fan fiction of all time (I have read upward of ten thousand. Thanks for writing such a great story!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22/2022
So Nagini? Did I miss something?
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