Reviews for My Everything, a Twilight Soap Opera of Extreme Length
kykyxstandler chapter 76 . 9/28/2011
amazing love it
BeeBuuzzz chapter 76 . 9/28/2011
I wish you updated more often :) 3

Favorite Story! 3
MrsJakeBlack chapter 75 . 8/28/2011
naww emmetts leaving

thats sadd

update soon!
Sucker For Jalice chapter 75 . 8/19/2011
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Alice is gonna be a cheerio! YES! Lol! Sorry, I didn't review in time...I was kinda busy *coughmarriage/honeymooncough*

I'm so happy everything is turning out for the best for Jazzy and Ali! I can't wait for more!

XO- Penny!
elle chapter 75 . 8/10/2011
this story is good, its just too long! are you going to wrap it up anytime soon?
DarlinYoureMean chapter 75 . 8/2/2011
Bleh, I have been tired and lazy and totally not wanting to review anything. But, I thought, if you were able to find the time to update, I can find the time to review! And with that, I'm not even sure what to say other than fuck the naysayers! You have one of the longest and meatiest stories that I read and that takes some skill. 75 chapters in with 387,843 words is insane! Keep chugging away girl and never worry about taking a break from updating because of real life. )
puzzypower chapter 18 . 7/31/2011
Like I told you - I love this story! Only thing that bugs me - my daughter is 12 years old. Oh, she has boyfriends, and have tried to kiss, but talking about BJ's? Going out with 15 yr old boys? SO not gonna happen! LOL - just let me stay naive, please? Hahahaha..
Time2MoveOn chapter 75 . 7/27/2011
This story should be a T.V series, like honestly!

I hope Ali get's into the pom-pon squad and FINALLY she stood up for herself, jeez it's bout time :)

Anyways, it sucks that you had to live through all that bad weather but hopefully it's all good now :p

deltagirl74 chapter 75 . 7/23/2011
I have to defend Jasper a little. Alice seems to get so much slack because she is younger or a girl. Jasper is a 15 boy who's hormones are driving him crazy. This is his first time going through a relationship and he has no idea of what he is doing. He tries so hard but he still slips up. Alice just seems to always expect so much of him. Yes he does get bossy with her but she sulks, pouts, and plays with his emotions. Yes, they could use some distance for them both to cool down.

OTH, Alice is keeping a huge secret from everyone concerning her mother. If it were no big deal about giving her money, she wouldn't have to cover it up. She expects total honesty but hides things as well.

Glad to see a new chapter, can't wait for the next update.
LuckyCharms19 chapter 75 . 7/23/2011
"See if I ever let you treat me badly again."

YES! It's awesome to see Ali standing up for herself to Jas, even if it's hard for her to do :). Great chapter Charli, I love seeing Alice getting stronger as the story goes on. Keep 'em coming, I love the updates :D
MACMONKEY chapter 75 . 7/22/2011
i loved the chapter! i hope u update soon because i cant wait to see what happens in the next chapter :)
aurike chapter 75 . 7/22/2011
Finally you updated! hooray! ;D i'm reviewing after whole day after i read the chapter, but that's not the point lol it was a great chapter :)

I really liked that Alice stands up for herself and doesn't let Jasper boss her around or even get away with being angry at her just because she sat with Seth. yey for Alice! :)

But i still do not like how much she trust her "mother"..i even stopped reading when i saw that she got the email fro her and went done some things around the house and then concentrated and read on, i'm afraid of these parts (don't know why, really don't liek reading them, maybe because i know she is a fraud?) that woman is a ..ermmm how to say it nicely..well not good, she is using Ali just for money. it clearly shows in her email, because in all of she just talk abotu money and how she doesn't have it and needs it.. ughhh. please make someone to find out and stop this! because with how things go Ali herself will never tell anyone about her and soon she will be left withotu any money in her college fond...don't banks watch over children account and anounce for parents what is doen with the money? weird..because i know fro sure you can't even do a currency exchange untill you are 16 in my home you definetly can't take large sums from account (no matter whose it is) withotu parents/guardians. i think it's good, because children can be used very quickly as we are seeing in Alice's case...

it's so sad that Emmett is leaving..and for Ali to find out like nearly broke my heart when she asked if she even is a part of this family anymore and then when she and Em talked, i really almost started to cry..i really hope Carlisle will start mending his family back, will make Alice feel like not an outsider, which she is feeling like lately...i don't know, maybe they could have more family therapy, not just for Ali alone...maybe that would help her heal her menatl disorder and that deep insecurity she has over family and good thing that she doesn't let jasper control her anymore..i feel a bit sorry for him, but he deserved it. he has to learn first that he can't have mood swings with Ali and how to treat her right! she deserves the best and she had enough trauma withotu Jasper's drama. after all she will get another shock when she'll find out that her "mother" was just useing her for money and nothing else..

well, i really hope you'll update soon and won't dissapear from the face of earth with this fic :)) i want a happy ending! ;DD
Tilli Roxs chapter 75 . 7/22/2011
Awww poor Alice she'll make it through. I never knew you could go to college early. Good to see you finally updated
Dr.A.Robbins chapter 75 . 7/22/2011
Alice is SO cute when she's angry! I'd probably laugh at her too. Poor thing :P
Funkermunker chapter 75 . 7/22/2011

I LOVE YOU :D I'M SO HAPPY THAT YOU POSTED ANOTHER CHAPTER:D THANKS SO MUCH... i guess this is my late birthday present lol

when i saw that you had posted another chapter it took all of my strength to not scream in the middle of the nail place.

Anyways, this chapter is so great i love how alice is finally stanting up for herself, i'm so proud of her but she really needs to be smarter with her mum...

jasper is an ass, alice should have slapped him

great chapter :D

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