Reviews for Broken People
Von chapter 36 . 4/17/2013
Cute scene. And kind of nice that Tsu'tey gets a bit of heads-up on Jake's fighting style.
Memory25 chapter 36 . 4/16/2013
OHMYGOSH I'm SO happy that you've updated! I love this story and it's like, THE best Avatar fic in my fav lists even though it's not slash or even heavily romantic. It's meaningful and beautiful and it's about more important things than just romance or buttsex. (Okay, I'm being blunt, but it's TRUE.)

I love how you depict Tsu'tey and Jake's friendship and how it develops and how you manage to keep both of them in character. I've always adored Tsu'tey in the sense that I've got it bad for those typical bad-boys with fluffy centres. Or something like that. And his history is sad enough to justify any emo he came off with during the movie so I don't hate when he angsts. Prejudices are a sore point for me, and sometimes zealots get me so MAD, but when there's a good reason, it's hard not to sympathize. Kind of like John Winchester in Supernatural. With the kind of oogedy-boogedy they meet (the kind that eats first, chat later) they're kind of justified in their reactions (shoot first, question later).

I'm always glad to read a wonderful story, even if the wave has died down, because Avatar is definitely one of the most beautiful movies/stories that I've ever encountered in my admittedly not very wizened life.

Although I see you're sort of running out of ideas and putting in fillers like this to kind of, sort of expand on the feels and get Tsu'tey used to Na'vi Jake/Toruk Makto. But it was still nice and I'm glad you haven't abandoned this fic. It's seriously wonderful.
WolfishPennings chapter 36 . 4/16/2013
its great to see jake is trying to learn still and not just giving up
roseaj chapter 35 . 4/14/2013
This story is absolutely brilliant! You absolutely nailed the characterizations. It was so lovely seeing Jake's and Tsu'tey's relationship evolve from untrusting to brotherly. I swear they've become the ultimate bro duo and I would have loved to see this actually happen in the movie. Their banter and the way that they bicker like small children brings a smile to my face every time. You write these characters so beautifully and I can't wait to see where you end up taking them.

I really appreciate how you seem to grasp that these are two 'brothers' who are from completely different cultures. The way that Tsu'tey is constantly confused by Jake's multiple idioms and use of slang is endearing and the fact that Jake takes the time to explain them just goes to show what a great friendship they have. May the hissing and grinning forever continue.

Keep up the great writing and I'll be sure to keep reading. Thank you for this wonderful story.
Gyreflight chapter 35 . 2/14/2013
I’m enjoying this, thanks.

Tsu'tey is wonderfully well characterised, and it’s entirely possible to see how he and Jake might make very good friends here, but he is more than just a viewpoint character, an observers eyes through which to watch a ‘main’ character – he’s interesting in his own right, and on his own behalf.

That being said, I really like the Tsu'tey-Jake interaction. Even before he arrived on Pandora, Jake had lost so much – the injury had changed his life, had stolen the place he had chosen and earned, had lost him the comradeship that was a part of that world…and then he lost his brother too. It’s a pleasure to watch him make a friend of an adversary, and a brother of that friend, through action rather than words, so that he gets back something to balance what he has lost, as well as the entirely new relationship that he shares with Neytiri.

Thanks for the read.
Tamuril2 chapter 35 . 2/10/2013
*grins happily* Thank you for updating this. Huh? My reasons? Why of course I will. ;)

1)Jake and Tsu'tey seem to be getting along better...seem being the most improtant word here...Me'sa is hoping there will be more tention soon. *crosses fingers and hopes*

2)Finally, they're getting that pesky palulukan away. Hmmm, do I see it going as planned? Nah. Do I see someone getting hurt? Heck, yeah! I hope for it! lol. I know, I'm messed up, aren't I? *grins and winks*

All in all, a good chapter. Thanks again for posting it. Keep up the great writing. Hope life starts treating you better.

truffula chapter 35 . 2/8/2013
Lmao poor tsu'tey just can't win :p i can't wait for the next chapter! You're awesome! :)
TexasDreamer01 chapter 35 . 2/1/2013
Bahaha. There's a downside to everything, I suppose. XD
AlienTourist chapter 35 . 1/30/2013
Thank you so much for updating!
FatesShadow83 chapter 35 . 1/30/2013
Great chapter!
Its nice to see the day-to-day concerns of the tribe now that the war is over. :-)
Dark Inu Fan chapter 35 . 1/30/2013
Its nice when conflict can be resolved peacefully and with minimal damage on either party's end. Yeah, the Palulukan will have to find another den, but he's young, he'll survive finding a different territory. I just hope that the end result comes about as peacefully as everyone hopes it'll be. Keep up the good work, dark
Horser01 chapter 35 . 1/29/2013
FINALLY you update! I've been waiting! Good job and I can't wait to see what happens. Especially Tsu'tey's reaction to the speech comment! XD
1Timberwolf chapter 35 . 1/29/2013
Yea! I am sooooo glad to see another chapter. Loved Tsu'tey's reaction to Jake's comment about Toruk eating Denan. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Xahraxs chapter 35 . 1/29/2013
Hmm, what about having pheromones used? A female Thanator in heat and have a canister of this stuff flown to lead him out of the area? I'm sure Hell's Gate can rig something to do the job. :) To a human or Na'vi it would stink like hell, but to a Thanator male, it's the most enticing smell in the world and he'll be following it.
Yana5 chapter 35 . 1/29/2013
Aww I am going to miss the toruk
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