Reviews for High School Never Ends
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
y they gay?!
T'Liana chapter 11 . 12/14/2014
Oh my god I loved the bit with Sasuke and Naruto! It was absolutely adorable! :DD
jess.c.kong chapter 12 . 9/27/2014
When I read this, it reminded me of one of my favorite yaoi couples of all time: Wataru and Yuichi from 'Only the Ring Finger Knows'. Not only because it's a high school AU environment, but their personalities (and level of obsession with each other) are very similar. Character deaths are always hard, but I like how you utilized it to move the characters' development along (but poor Obito!). I never tire of seeing Kakashi wrapped around Iruka 's finger! There were a few minor things that either disrupted the flow or were out of character, but I still loved the overall story; a little bit of angst, a lot of romance...what more could I ask for?! I thought it was kind of weird Iruka never confided in his friends about Kakashi because he preached to him about leaning on others for support; Iruka telling Minato he thinks he loves Kakashi when he declared his love for him in a prev chapter; the flashback scene with Naruto - while I really loved it, it didn't fit with the overall story (there weren't any other flashbacks in the story) but would have worked as an aside or flashback to a separate story, say when they are older and contemplating the next step of their relationship. But that didn't take away from the really sweet and enchanting story of young teenage love between teens that had to grow up way too fast. I loved the concept of your story (a chap for every month); it added to the realism you instilled in the story (events believable enough to occur over time and tastefully written). I thoroughly enjoyed the story and thank you for sharing such a heartwarming fic!
walke chapter 12 . 4/9/2014
WOW *_*
N chapter 8 . 12/26/2013
I can't fathom why Kakashi would want to break up with him at this juncture but I can somehow make myself accept it. What I cannot accept is Kakashi hitting Iruka. Thats downright absurd!
Anonymous Syd chapter 12 . 9/26/2013
I love it! I love the whole thing! It's so cute and fluffy!
Anonymous Syd chapter 8 . 9/7/2013
Aww, how sad... I like how the broken picture foreshadowed the car accident. And poor Iruka.
KyuuViChan chapter 12 . 8/18/2013
I think you should make a SasuNaru as a sequel to this one! I think it would be a funny one and I think it would go really good and get more views at this story for more reference... that and it would be sooooo CUTE!
morbiDreamscape chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
I really enjoyed your story for the most part, with just a few critiques: grammar/word selection, Iruka not telling anyone about the car accident before running off to the hospital (he could have at least asked if anyone wanted to come with him), and how he treats his friends (he constantly lies to them and doesn't trust them with his thoughts, feelings, or his relationship with Kakashi...even when they show they care about him and are worried about him).
EmoNemo97 chapter 12 . 8/8/2013
A good sweet story that tuged on my heart strings. The stroy line was good and the characters were awesome. Keep writing and never give up. :)
LoveToTheCucumber chapter 12 . 8/30/2012
And finally I got to the last chapter, wee :D
I'm a little sad though. I don't know why, but every time I've pulled myself together and read another chapter of this, I just felt so relaxed. It was a joy reading and I like your written language for the most part. It was just a very relaxing and none committing story, if you get me? I really liked it. Keep up the good work and I'm happy to see that you did actually make a few one shots for this :D Already read one and definitely gonna read the others too once I get around it!
LoveToTheCucumber chapter 11 . 8/25/2012
Oh God, I'm so sorry that I didn't review this earlier! This is probably gonna be the worst review ever since it's a couple of days since I read this chapter, but I didn't have time to review right after reading it and now I've forgotten all the things I wanted to saaay, nooooooooo!

Well, I'm pretty sure I laughed A LOT during this chapter. so congrats, but can't tell you what made me laugh xD
And I think I found this chapter very interesting. At least I remember looking a lot forward to the last one and kinda hating that there isn't more xD

I'll be back for more soon :D
LoveToTheCucumber chapter 10 . 8/15/2012
HAHHAHA! Iruka's ass is hurting him xD! Almost died of laughter when I read that he was trying not to walk in a weird way xD!

By the way, I'm finally back and ready to read the rest of the story :D Man, it's been a while. Sorry about that :S

So they are slowly getting back together. Iruka is such a tease xD And I wonder what kind of "engagement" Iruka's fortune meant. I guess we should not take it the way you were trying to imply, am right ;D?

Seeing forward to read the next.
Alexandra112 chapter 12 . 7/25/2012
This story is really sweet, and it includes parts from the origional story, Obitos eye. This was really well written, loved it XD
LittleZombiePrincessCake chapter 12 . 5/28/2012

thankyou so much for sending me the link, this is a beautiful story!

Well worth the many times that the computer froze attempting to load chapters


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