Reviews for The Last Spartan
WhatDidIDoToGetHere chapter 3 . 11/26/2024
I saw this fic before but never decided to read it, and just reading the first couple chapters is just enough to remind me why. Mass Effect tech is so laughable behind Halo-verse on several things that anything and everything halo being left behind is absurd, it would have been more realistic and interesting if it was a more fusion setting instead of just Mass effect comes after halo cause reasons. I can’t read this story without being annoyed with Mass effect tech somehow being lauded as better when realistically it’s not at all.
Guest chapter 55 . 11/18/2024
Will this be continued? Spartan Effect ended abruptly and I got no clue why. The writing for the last few chapters were great still and I really want to see this keep going. Reading this had me staying up late for the past few days lol. That's how badly I didnt know I needed Halo and mass effect content
vinibaw217 chapter 52 . 10/18/2024
There is a saying, "you are your own harshest critic". I find it very true - and very relevant.
Because I feel that this is easily the best Halo / ME crossover. It made a very good effort to actually blend the history of both series - to explore the potential connections between them. It didn't make things boring by making humanity overpowered, and it did an impressive job at characterizing Master Chief.
And, yes, you could have made UNSC refuse the Council's demands, and that would've been more plausible. But then you would have ended up with the same story any edgy teen would write - some boring nonsense about humans being super badasses who take shit from no one. Yes, this plot point could've been handled better, but at its core, it needed to happen for this story to happen, and thus I'm perfectly okay with it.
It's great that you're able to see the flaws in your writing, because it means you can get even better. But what you have here is already really, really good. I am not going to try and convince you to come back to this fic - it's perfectly okay to lose interest. But it's important to evaluate this story rationally, instead of focusing on just flaws.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/6/2024
I don't understand. Why did people completely cave in to the Citadel despite their complete economic, cultural and technological superiority? So much so that they committed genocide of their own citizens, who were an elite group of scientists, managers and military personnel. Element Zero technologies have almost reached their limit, while in almost everything they are inferior even to pre-war technologies of people, for whom this is barely the beginning of the middle section of their branch. What did they get in return? I understand that when the US and the USSR negotiate and make concessions, this is normal, they are on the same level, this is how it should be, when the US and the Congo negotiate, with the former completely pushing the latter, this is also normal, but when the US completely submits to the Congo's demands to reduce the fleet, disband the army and give up most of its technological achievements so that they do not feel inferior and lagging behind, this is not normal. This story is not for me
Guest chapter 1 . 10/6/2024
I don't understand. Why did people completely cave in to the Citadel despite their complete economic, cultural and technological superiority? So much so that they committed genocide of their own citizens, who were an elite group of scientists, managers and military personnel. Element Zero technologies have almost reached their limit, while in almost everything they are inferior even to pre-war technologies of people, for whom this is barely the beginning of the middle section of their branch. What did they get in return? I understand that when the US and the USSR negotiate and make concessions, this is normal, they are on the same level, this is how it should be, when the US and the Congo negotiate, with the former completely pushing the latter, this is also normal, but when the US completely submits to the Congo's demands to reduce the fleet, disband the army and give up most of its technological achievements so that they do not feel inferior and lagging behind, this is not normal. This story is not for me.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/13/2024
Interesting premise, but not so great execution. The UNSC and the former Covenant races (I'll call them the Orion races) would not give up their Slipspace technology or AIs just to get along with the Council, as those have great advantages over Mass Effect technology (like the fact that relays aren't necessary for interstellar travel).
The more likely outcome is that the Orion races and Citadel races would have a tense, but diplomatic relationship. Maybe after the First Contact War, the Orion races set up an embassy. But they wouldn't join the Citadel, nor would they use Mass Effect technology except for limited uses (kinetic barriers come to mind, as they are seemingly easier and cheaper to make than energy shields).
Also, I know this chapter was likely written before Glasslands and The Thursday War came out, but they should have given Chief the MJOLNIR Mark VII armor that Naomi wore in the Kilo-Five Trilogy.
Mayjer Blud chapter 55 . 5/29/2024
Always find it weird that kinetic barriers somehow defend against plasma in these fics. The barriers would stop the physical mass of the plasma sure, but plasma's miniscule mass isn't really much of a danger. The real danger is the amount of heat it puts off when the magnetic containment field is broken. Mass effect barriers EXPLICITY cannot defend against extremes in tempature or radiation in ME. The kinetic barriers are even more useless against plasma atatcks than armor in halo. At least halo armor could usually dissipate the heat of at least 1 or 2 shots before the user was effected.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/28/2024
Very ugly and disgusting story
maskedkeeper chapter 6 . 3/10/2024
maybe a elephant isn't as big as a whale, but that elephant is some random device while the remnants of the covenant should be able to remake that whale. Kinda a shame they got neutered in this or ot seems like so far
Bluenait chapter 4 . 2/22/2024
so no Shepard no Mass Effect i think this is the dummerst Xover i evver read so far.
The Humans from Halo a fucking eggy with Xneos so thete is that and abadon ther better tec of ships to fly to the Mass Releys is stupid as fuck so yeahh this fic is not for me
Brony Dragon chapter 1 . 2/16/2024
My headcanon: the Reapers are now led my a wrathful fragment of Rampent Mendicant Bias

Why else would the Reaper ships look suspiciously Flood like?
leonarcs chapter 54 . 2/11/2024
look. the beginning could be better but something that really is awesome about this fic it's how you write the character. they are writing so well that you could feel like them
leonarcs chapter 55 . 2/11/2024
yes please. this novel it's so good. it wold be criminal not to finish it
leonarcs chapter 39 . 2/10/2024
hahahajah I like how they show off. that thing it's bigger than the citadel
RyanDev1st chapter 3 . 2/7/2024
This is the shittiest and the dumbest, fanatical Halo x ME xover I have ever read. How could the ENTIRE HALO universe abandon their greatest advantages namely the slipspace, AND ship size and limits just to have a dubious relationship with the xenos from another galaxy? Also, Humanity has always been paranoid in the Halo universe, but in this xover, they are giving the Council their future. Damn, I'd actually side with the Cerebus in this xover.
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