Reviews for Work in Progress: Study of an Evil Genius
Sailor Swifty chapter 30 . 7/22/2010
write more
Andrea Churchill chapter 30 . 7/21/2010
I like the part about Ann knowing Drew from "around". It's a neat connection. And Drakken unfolding like this? It's utterly fascinating!
CajunBear73 chapter 30 . 7/21/2010
Being the lowest on that old totem pole, even with your own group, can be depressing.

Slipgate chapter 28 . 7/18/2010
While I do understand you're painting a picture of the mama's boy tendencies, the spurned college friend tendencies, the romantic wonderings, and more with regard to Drakken, I'm not sure I'd call So the Drama out of character for him. As the chapter itself points out, he tried to blush Kim out of existence. On his say-so, Shego snapped Kim's line and she would've died if Ron hadn't managed a catch in his jetpack. He was willing to "neutronalyze" things in the world. He was willing to tie them up to leave them in a self-destruct situation.

Drakken amps up his planning, certainly, and the effectiveness of his planning (cf. Eric vs. 'Blush'), but he's just going after his intentions with more and better planning. I don't see it as out of character. The series had him turning more into comic relief over time just because the writers and the fans were trending that way, but he was someone who COULD cow Shego once upon a time and potentially could've later too.

I can understand why it's difficult to reconcile with what you're writing... but I don't think it's quite out-of-character. Which isn't to say that what you've written in previous chapters is out of character as such because you're focusing on different parts of Drakken that could be considered in-character as well. But it's not out of character for the whole picture that is Drakken, at least IMHO.

That said, I am disturbed at how he had a voice speaking to him, and can't help but wonder that the voice wouldn't resurge in the future - i.e. that he isn't actually loony. Also, I didn't see you take the opportunity to capitalize on the "little girl" you mentioned in a previous chapter.

It was a powerful chapter, don't get me wrong. I guess I'm sort of responding to your author's notes, is all.
Sailor Swifty chapter 28 . 7/17/2010
write more
CajunBear73 chapter 28 . 7/16/2010
Drakken touched the darkness within the walls of his plots and plans and came away afraid of what he was capable of doing, becoming and accomplishing.

And he seemed to distance himself from Shego in the process too.

Gomro Morskopp chapter 28 . 7/16/2010
Nice. Drakken's back to his old first-season self in StD; competent and vicious, while still goofy. But madness is as good an explanation as any.
Sailor Swifty chapter 27 . 7/14/2010
write more. :)
Gomro Morskopp chapter 27 . 7/14/2010
Nice addition to the ongoing study, but this one brings one question to mind: did Drakken even see the Japanese girl? His Diablobots were tearing stuff up on their own, as far as I could tell.
CajunBear73 chapter 27 . 7/14/2010
Nice interlude with Drakken and Ron having a bonding moment between familiar faces and a new one who brought back an unpleasant memory that was brightened in the end...

And Shego was smitten too...

CajunBear73 chapter 25 . 7/10/2010
I guess someday, if Shego and Drakken go no further than employee/employer in their relationship, you could say she was gathering research for that tell all book she would write...

But this is fun either way.

For her.
Sailor Swifty chapter 25 . 7/9/2010
more more.
Slipgate chapter 1 . 7/9/2010
You know, I hadn't paid attention to this story's updates until I saw a certain other author of my acquaintance had listed it in her favorites. So I took a look. Normally I'm hesitant to jump in to something that appears to be many chapters already.

But then I read through all 24 chapters that existed up to that point. It was page-turning.

Some brief highlights - Drakken's father (you know the two chapters I mean), his reaction to seeing the Lowardians gloating (and thinking what his father must've already been thinking by then), the "people shouldn't call themselves doctors if they're not" bit, the seeing Kim and Ron on a date... and many many more.

I'm sorry I'm not getting into particular chapters at the moment, but you've caught my attention for sure. This is fantastic stuff. The only sad part now is instead of page-turning the chapters will come one at a time :).
Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 23 . 7/6/2010
I just love the way you write Drakken as a child. You really capture a child's mindset. I help teach a Sunday School class at my church- a little younger than he is in this story, but I recognize them in him nevertheless. The singing the ABC's while washing hands, jumping off the stool, being proud of being able to push the heavy door open, and yes, trying soooo hard to be quiet and still and failing utterly. I think I will probably think twice next time I want to ask one of my students if they "want" a time out. ;)

And then the "quite some time later" section. I love the setup you did in the previous section with him thinking that calling yourself a Dr. when you're really not is a bad thing. What a great explanation for why he chose that as has villain name. The vacillation between wanting to be "bad" and letting his soft-hearted nature show through, between what he thinks he wants (fear) and what he really wants (love), is so well portrayed. A great picture of the earliest days of "Dr. Drakken". And the closing is, of course, just perfect. A wonderful chapter all around.
CajunBear73 chapter 23 . 7/6/2010
Flashes of childhood, and not the good kind of memories, still coming out in that guy...
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