Reviews for Work in Progress: Study of an Evil Genius
Naerhaella chapter 10 . 5/26/2010

I love your series! Some of them are funny as hell , some are sweet and some are kind of scary like this one :D

I really like them and I love the way you make Dr.D be so funny :)

I'm really glad you've updating them, reading this really makes my day

Keep up the good work!
Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 9 . 5/25/2010
Heh, a suitably undignified origin for Drakken's scar. I sympathize with him. That's just the sort of absentminded thing I would do.
Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 8 . 5/25/2010
Wow. Drakken's seeing things from the other side of the glass and realizing that maybe he doesn't want to be the person he always thought he did. Quite profound. Very nicely done.
Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 7 . 5/25/2010
Love the way you portray Drakken's wandering though process
Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 6 . 5/25/2010
I can't find much to say about this chapter just because it was so perfect. If I highlighted every little thing I liked, I think I'd end up requoting almost the entire thing.

I will say that it somehow brought to mind the end of Willy Wonka: "Don't forget what happened to the boy who suddenly got everything he ever wanted... He lived happily ever after."
Gomro Morskopp chapter 9 . 5/24/2010
Another nice one, and pretty much canon, since Word of God says he got that scar by scratching an itch while forgetting he was holding a sharp object. Shego's part is small here, but I like it; who knows whether she didn't care how he looked because of empathy... or apathy?
CajunBear73 chapter 8 . 5/20/2010
Very revealing moment of truth for Drakken there.
Gomro Morskopp chapter 8 . 5/20/2010
Beaautiful. Best one yet. And this must have gone on, somehow, for Drakken to come to the conclusion he did - which saved the world, at least in part. (Of course, Kim COULDN'T have beaten Warmonga if Shego hadn't interfered, but that doesn't matter here. However, it is one reason that I consider Shego an extremely conflicted individual, for all her apparent poise and reason. But your vignettes aren't about Shego, so I digress.)

One tiny carp with the writing: The sentence "Maybe they do do this every day" just sounds weird to me. Don't know how you'd put it otherwise, though: perhaps "Maybe they have done this every day." Don't know.
Gomro Morskopp chapter 6 . 5/16/2010
"back and forth, back and forth." Yah, that's great. Captures Drakken perfectly, as does his reaction to finally achieving the one thing he wants more than anything else. This is a good one.
Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 5 . 5/14/2010
LOL! You have a real knack for punchlines. I love how absentminded Drakken is. Having just rewatched Clean Slate, with him having to rely on the index cards, I can believe it.
Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 4 . 5/14/2010
Nice insights into Drakken's character here, including the little glimpses into the darker side of his prison stay. And how much Shego really means to him- that her promising to come back and make fun of his plan makes everything right with the world again. :)

I wondered who spraypainted that in the lair. It had never occurred to me that it was Shego, but I guess it makes sense.
Spandy4Ever chapter 5 . 5/14/2010
It takes her ten minutes to stop laughing?

Oh my god, that's HORRIBLE!

...But so totally canon...

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Gomro Morskopp chapter 5 . 5/13/2010
This one didn't seem quite as inspired as the earlier vignettes, but the title is sure apropos, and the punchline is on the nose.
Gomro Morskopp chapter 4 . 5/10/2010
another fine vignette. Without being too obvious, you've shown us that there's SOMETHING between these characters that keeps them together, even if their relationship is a pretty strange one.
Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 3 . 5/6/2010
Ha, this was great! I got an inkling about halfway through that it was a Tuesday. ;) Despite what Drakken might say, it is kind of "funny ha-ha".

Not sure about him telling his mother that he did it in the lab, though. Doesn't she think he's a radio host?

I wonder why he had a lot of nightmares when he was in third grade- interesting little tidbit you dropped in for us there...
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