Reviews for Work in Progress: Study of an Evil Genius
Andrea Churchill chapter 57 . 9/24/2010
"I dont want to hurt you" and "Romeo, oh, Romeo!" he cries in his most dramatic voice. "Wherefore brand of shampoo dost tho use, Romeo?" made me laugh out loud.
Andrea Churchill chapter 56 . 9/24/2010

And hahaha! i did that once-i payed in all pennies. the cashier was NOT happy with me. but it was so much fun. one of those things you just have to do.

nice work.
Sailor Swifty chapter 1 . 9/23/2010
poor dr.d :( awww shego being sweet and taking care of him :)

write more
Sailor Swifty chapter 57 . 9/21/2010
this chapter was funny,
Reader101w chapter 56 . 9/19/2010
Nice new chapter,

Drakken really has issues with that one moment during the diablo sitch, right?

I hope he eventually finds peace with himself.

I hope to read more on this soon.

keep up the good writing,

Andrea Churchill chapter 55 . 9/17/2010
Ahhhh! Ok.

1. Love the text messaging part.

2. Duff... :)

3. I like the philosophy in this- "Maybe - maybe the closer you get to whatever it is you want, the harder it is to control yourself."

4. The plant scheme! I was waiting for that. Nice one.
Reader101w chapter 55 . 9/17/2010
Nice chapter,

Drakken was right, this was the plan that eventually made everything good for him. After some start-up issues of course.

I hope to read more on this soon.

keep up the good writing,

Reader101w chapter 54 . 9/17/2010
Nice Drakken POV of explaining his new masterplan to Shego.

They're both well in character, and Drakken's reaction to Shego's comments were great.

keep up the good writing,

Reader101w chapter 53 . 9/17/2010
This actually was a very sad story about Drew, and greatly written.

Drew has to deal with his father having left him and his mother, his mother barely able to cover the bills… I feel for the Lipski's

I hope to read the rest of the chapters asap.

keep up the good writing,

Sailor Swifty chapter 55 . 9/17/2010
more pleases
Sailor Swifty chapter 54 . 9/14/2010
more please. i made more cookies, and i didn't ate all of them, this time. lol
CajunBear73 chapter 54 . 9/14/2010
I was going to ask you about the Drakken/Doofenshmirtz connection, but ya cleared that up pronto. LOL!

But classic gold with Shego and Drakken going over his latest whack plot.

Andrea Churchill chapter 53 . 9/13/2010
I made connections near the end of this-I found it funny how Drew told himself "This is ridiculous, Drew, he tells himself sternly. You're talking to a stuffed animal. It's not alive. It can't talk back. It's not scientific.", because I made the connection with DNAmy, and the stuffed monkey made me think of monkey fist blah blah. Haha nice chapter.
Andrea Churchill chapter 52 . 9/13/2010
Awwwwwwwww you have a thing for endings. "Yep, that was the sound of his dignity slipping away." and "She must be talking to him. Probably aren't too many other people here named Drakken. He turns back around to see her smiling. "I'm glad you could make it," she says simply." I thought were funny. But the ending NAILS it.
Sailor Swifty chapter 53 . 9/13/2010
write more I've got cookies, never mind i ate them
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