Reviews for Work in Progress: Study of an Evil Genius
Gomro Morskopp chapter 52 . 9/12/2010
MIght be the best one you've written. Really touching stuff here.
Reader101w chapter 52 . 9/11/2010
You were right, this was full of sappy cuteness,

Great job with this rather unusual tale, very good combination of humor and cuteness (for lack of a better word).

I hope to read more on this soon

keep up the good writing,

Reader101w chapter 51 . 9/11/2010
Aww, so cute.

Sorry, great trilogy you made, but Drakken looks so cute now he's good again and happy to impress people.

Team Impossible might get in deep trouble if they keep on angering the people who can really hurt them, maybe they are already.

keep up the good writing,

Reader101w chapter 50 . 9/11/2010
Interesting chapter,

Poor Drakken; completely confused, totally scared, I hope he get's out okay.

But why did Shego suddenly show up, or is that explained in following chapters?

I'll be reading the next chapters asap.

keep up the good writing,

englishfanatic17 chapter 52 . 9/10/2010
Omg! Loved chapter 52! The ending made me aww out loud, and I loved Shego in this chapter as well. Of course she would be his chaperone. :) I like this whole what happened after graduation thing you've got going on. I wish I knew a little more about what Shego's up to though. Does Drakken still see her everyday? I only ask because I'd think it'd be difficult for him to get along with out her. I also love how you wrote Dr. Director! I've officially written too much. You don't have to answer my questions. Just promise to keep writing! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Sailor Swifty chapter 52 . 9/9/2010
write more, pleases
CajunBear73 chapter 52 . 9/9/2010
Yep that's Drew at his best... Drakkenest.

Andrea Churchill chapter 51 . 9/8/2010
Aw, I want a cookie.

"squeak sounds like a scream in the silence" I thought was a really good simile, and I loved the "you-are-dust-particles-between-my-toes tone" from Dememtor. Its the little details I love in your story.."His pride deflates like a stepped-on balloon."; "Why in the name of Victor Frankenstein would I give this to you?"; "A horrible taste fills his mouth - like sucking on a dirty penny, only saltier. (Who sucks on dirty pennies? lol)". Haha and I'm curious as to what a "Bushroot" is. And the part of Drakken turning purple...Shego's "attractive" and "shut your strudel hole" comments, "Her eye is shining like she's about to cry"; and I love the ending too, where Drakken feels sorry for Dementor. DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS! Nice work.
Andrea Churchill chapter 50 . 9/8/2010
You own Neptune? Really? ...jk.

And I have to say the "uggghekkk" made me laugh-out-loud.

I like the pure element of anger part, and I see you wrote the NOOOOOO again. Haha! Silly Drakken. And what a mystery! Where did that note come from...?
SecondSeraphim chapter 51 . 9/7/2010
Bushroot is a Darkwing Duck villain. Now give me my cookie!
CajunBear73 chapter 51 . 9/7/2010
A very big moment for Drakken, and a couple of others there.

Sailor Swifty chapter 50 . 9/6/2010
write more
CajunBear73 chapter 50 . 9/5/2010
Oh boy.
Andrea Churchill chapter 49 . 9/3/2010
Oh you know that tiny itty bitty Duff reference made me smile. And I loved Drakken's "NOOOOO!".

What imagery.

Nice chapter.
Reader101w chapter 49 . 9/3/2010
Interesting chapter,

You did a good job displaying Dementor, the German accent could even be read in his thoughts and view on the world. great work.

Drakken made a bit of a mistake by telling Dementor about the immobilizer, that may bite him in the future. I'm curious on how this will develop.

keep up the good writing,

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