Reviews for Work in Progress: Study of an Evil Genius
Sailor Swifty chapter 36 . 8/4/2010
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Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 25 . 8/2/2010
All I can say about this chapter is LOL.
Pinky Jo Curlytail chapter 24 . 8/2/2010
To be honest, I wasn't feeling terribly sympathetic with Drakken in this chapter. Because, let's face it, turning to a life of villainy because your buddies laughed at you- even if it was long and hard, with youthful abandon- is a bit extreme. Of course, that's not your fault, and you've done a good job of showing that there was a lot leading up that point that just made it the straw that broke the camel's back.

So, it was good to see some hints of happy memories of his friends at the end.

And something that got me wondering, both in this chapter and the one before, is that he so often refers to them as "James and those guys" or some variation on that, though in this chapter he does actually mention Chen and Ramesh by name also. It just made me wonder if he holds a grudge particularly against James for some reason. Was James the "leader" of the group, or did he feel closer to James than to these others, and therefore felt more betrayed by him?
Reader101w chapter 35 . 8/2/2010
Sweet chapter,

A little more of Drakken and Shego is revealed, not that Drakken is too happy with it though, at least it makes him forget about his burns for a while.

I hope to read more on this soon

keep up the good writing,

Sailor Swifty chapter 35 . 8/1/2010
wrtie more please
Slipgate chapter 35 . 8/1/2010
I saw that 29 tied in to an earlier chapter well - as I'd told you in PM.

I feel really sorry for Drew, and kind of upset with the others, in 30.

I do wonder the "bad breath" quote source - and this chapter almost tread in to the territory of another chapter.

Shego frustrated me in 32 and 35... (really very much in 35, and she should've quit after reading #4 in that one and she knows it)... 33 was interesting as a viewpoint but I do wonder when/if any of the Shego/Drakken romance you accept as being after season 4 will get hinted up if not at a time like that. When is 35 anyway? Season 4 or not?

And I'm not sure what 34 leads into. Catastrophic Doom - mirrors... I know the operation name showed up in the series but I'm not sure when. Help?
CajunBear73 chapter 35 . 8/1/2010
Quite the 'fuzzy moment' as they can be between those two... LOL!

Pure Shego snarky and Drakken Drewibieness clean through.

And I bet later Shego did get to be both the astronaut and teacher, if for a little while.

Andrea Churchill chapter 35 . 7/31/2010
awwwwww! the part Shego read about Drakken's dad was so sad. I loved it. Poor Drakkie. :(
Reader101w chapter 34 . 7/31/2010
Great series of short stories so far,

I like the way how you display Drakken, and sometimes Shego. It give a whole new perspective on Drakken as a villain.

I hope you'll keep going with this

keep up the good writing,

Andrea Churchill chapter 34 . 7/29/2010
"The stupid rebellious writing instrument" &

"Unless it's broccoli. He draws the line at broccoli."-

Naerhaella chapter 33 . 7/28/2010
Hi! I'm a D/S shipper and let me tell you I think the same way you do. I do believe that felt this way about her behavior when that situation came on scene.

I think that in that time they still thought of each other as brothers or maybe really good friends :D
Gomro Morskopp chapter 33 . 7/27/2010
I'm a Drakken/Shego shipper, but they weren't anywhere close to "Graduation" during "Emotion Sickness" and I think this character study is ON THE NOSE. Kudos!
Sailor Swifty chapter 32 . 7/26/2010
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Andrea Churchill chapter 31 . 7/24/2010
Awww, I loved that episode with Drakken and DNAmy. And youre interpretation of it was pretty good! :) Nice job. I always squeal with delight when I see an update on his story.
Sailor Swifty chapter 31 . 7/23/2010
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