Reviews for Reluctant Hero
ThomastheRhymer chapter 29 . 1/18
That was a nasty trick
Guest chapter 1 . 10/21/2024
Summoning America Chapter 206 (up to 209 for Patrons) is now out!

Reminder: 210 is the last chapter. Summoning America will officially end the same date Arcane Exfil is officially launched, on November 18.

Hounoku — Today at 17:18
Guys do not say gaymar and replace the gay part with cred
Worst mistake of my life

Very cute Hounoku. Very cute ;)
Fortunately I'm not some faggot gay latino or some shit skinned turd worlder as Mahogany mentioned. Imagine being one, born into a shithole family with shithole beliefs and shithole ideals its no wonder that many latinos and black niggers and slant eyed chink face Chinese could never hope to assimilate into American culture to achieve the coveted American dream. Instead I see these scum as nothing more than a waste of oxygen and as infiltrators like wannabe spies that will soon disappear when Trump gets into power. Alternatively if the author of Summoning America, Sebastian Lee were to run for President I'd vote for him in a heartbeat since in the story there are no blacks niggers gays homosexuals trannies Muzzies and Jews ruining America by staining the white genepool with their inferior genes. The only honorable brown skinned turd I respect is Peconigiri since he is helping me identify people who slander DrDoritosMD's work from afar like the cowards they are. So far I am able to determine that most of them live in the turd world and at least one lives in some shithole called Jogjakarta or some shit name its so easy to bribe with the superior dollar compared to the rupee curee fag currency they use. The Dutch should've exterminated everyone except for Peconigir's lineage because it is clear people like him and Gomrade are honorary Americans for how they carry themselves. Its okay when the Chinks led by winnie the pooh declare war we will let the turd world be exterminated by AliExpress nukes and then with the slate clean the white race can finally reclaim our lost and rightful home to expand.

**Exciting News: "Manifest Fantasy" Becomes a Real Book! Plus, Introducing "Arcane Exfil"!**

Hello, Fantasy Fans and Readers,

We’re thrilled to announce that "Manifest Fantasy" by DrDoritosMD is on the verge of becoming a fully published book! As this captivating adventure prepares for its launch, we want to highlight DrDoritosMD's next FREE story: "Arcane Exfil."

In "Arcane Exfil," the premise flips the typical narrative on its head: "US SOF gets summoned as heroes instead of the usual Japanese high schooler." This unique concept has been copyrighted by DrDoritosMD, and any attempt at plagiarism will be met with serious legal repercussions, including violations of federal copyright laws and various state laws, which could lead to significant penalties and convictions. We take this matter very seriously!

With the excitement surrounding "Manifest Fantasy" evolving into a professional work, "Arcane Exfil" serves as DrDoritosMD's gift to those who may not be able to afford "Manifest Fantasy." It’s a way to share his storytelling with a broader audience while still delivering the same engaging experience.

### Monthly Chapter Schedule for "Arcane Exfil"

According to DrDoritosMD, all times are indicated in Pacific Standard Time. Here’s the tentative schedule for November:

- **Monthly Chapters:**

**Note:** All Tier 2 AE Fans and higher will be able to read up to X (depends on tier and upload schedule) chapters ahead of time!

We can’t wait for you to dive into "Arcane Exfil" and experience the adventure it has to offer.

Happy reading!

Explore "Manifest Fantasy" here: [Manifest Fantasy on Royal Road]( fiction/75057/manifest-fantasy?sortingoldest)
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A Nameless Ghost chapter 45 . 9/3/2024
it hurts that this is dead in the water by the time i found it. the world building is like nothing ive seen in this section. the threat of spirits and the much more dangerous world they create. the fall out of the past avatars failing to restore order, the resulting schism in the white lotus thats prevented iroh from fulling bridging the gaps.

what the nations are willing to do to insure this avatar is the right one. god id have loved go see what awaited them next.
Zero chapter 1 . 8/17/2024
Poor Zuko
Aeriebee chapter 29 . 8/15/2024
Welp, I believed this. XD

I thought he finally snapped and would stay at the circus for a bit omg
Aeriebee chapter 26 . 8/15/2024
Aang is the best! He is literally the BEST.
Aeriebee chapter 1 . 8/14/2024
I accidentally read it as “are you here to make me an airhead” and i was going to accept thats what Zuko said after meeting Aang but I wanted to read it again bc i thought it was funny that’s what Zuko would say for his first meeting TuT
realfan16 chapter 45 . 6/8/2024
c'mon ! doing this to our princess and with a cliff hanger to boot. And how did that wave reach them with pakku on board ?!
realfan16 chapter 38 . 6/8/2024
Dang, makes me realise how much of avatar lore is left unexplored ad merely glanced upon by the show
realfan16 chapter 36 . 6/8/2024
well talk about making up canon
SandiaVida chapter 19 . 3/31/2024
The tone change in the past couple of chapters is kinda shitty, peace out.
Wika0304 chapter 45 . 3/16/2024
Please update, I love it
Seran58 chapter 15 . 2/18/2024
Spoiler alert:

I hate the water tribe in this. I hate them sooooo much! They are such pompous assholes who when the took zuko tried to break him of his loyalty to the fire nation like he was a fucking slave! They spent weeks depriving him of sunlight and so much else until he complied. I have not yet read a single scene with the northern water tribe that I haven't wished a fiery death upon every one of them. I hate them. However, I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, because there were moments where it seemed like the author was going the Stockholm syndrome route and if it turns out he is in the next few chapters I am fucking leaving! Zuko has always been my favorite character and I won't stand to see him disrespected so!
entity9silvergen chapter 45 . 1/28/2024
Read this over a few days. Really great fic! Really well written, great ocs and character stuff, funny, worldbuilding, everything. Hope to see it continued!
lukeanimelover chapter 3 . 1/13/2024

Wait-is aang still in this au?! Is he just nkt the avatar *dramatic gasp*
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