Reviews for Spur
Phosphorescent chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
Beautifully written. I particularly like the line about how he thinks her father should have fought.
Riana1 chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
you have a true touch for prose- even if your enthusiasm does get away from you.

/the brightly dying petals of the sharp-stemmed roses that he loves/ overplays the adjectives too much. Still I would never call your prose purple, just lavender scented.

And the grim determination of Beauty was brilliant. I love your take on the tale.
happyhooligan2001 chapter 1 . 5/20/2010
The beast's point of view of the woman's arrival. (I don't remember her name) There is no description of her, he doesn't care what she looks like. There is no name, he doesn't care what her name is. The only thing that does impress him is her courage and self sacrifice. That is her true beauty and that is what he will ultimately fall in love with.
Frogster chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
Lovely! I love Beauty and the Beast too, especially when the Beauties have more substance to them than in the original story. I like it when they have fire and wit and strength as well as the love for family that made them do what they did. I like it when they refuse to be pawns in the "game" and choose to be queens instead.

Any more where this came from?
savethemadscientist chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
What a beuatiful story, I always wondered how the beats felt when Beauty arrived at his castle. Thank you for giving me an idea of what the beast was going through when she got there.