Reviews for Hero
B chapter 2 . 7/31/2010
Well I love you and your writing but I think if I was going to give constructive criticism, I'd say maybe don't spoil the end of the story in the first and second chapter. Haha I know you must've been getting a lot of glares and IF YOU KILL FINN I SWEAR I'LL threats :P But still, if you do something in later chapters where we don't know if he's alive or not, or something remotely along those lines, the emotion will totally be gone when we find out he's alive. Like we as readers should feel the devastation the characters feel, such as Rachel thinking Finn might die. But you take away a lot of the emotion and identification with Rachel and Finn's mom by giving us the end of the story for us and not the characters. That's just my two cents for future amazing stories.
loveyoumeanitbye chapter 18 . 7/28/2010
May I just say that I absolutely fell in love with this story? I seriously spent all night / today reading it (of course with the break of sleeping and eating in the middle of it) but I had trouble leaving it until I completed it. Oh if only Ryan Murphy could read this, he'd know how to end their story when the time came to that unfortunate end! Anyway I loved it and I hope to read more of your week! Awesome job!
cherrrring chapter 18 . 7/28/2010
I just read this all last night in one sitting..and it was amazing. I haven't cried in a verrrry long time and i never get this emotional about fictional characters! I love all your different versions of how Finn and Rachel's life might turn out and although of course I hope that this won't happen in their future, it was a beautiful story. I have the biggest urge to send some of your stories right to Mr Ryan Murphy himself! It just broke my heart the way that Rachel had to keep so much from 'Hudson' and I just cried thinking that although 'Finn' came back with all his memories, he will still never be completely the same (or will he! I don't know..). I've been thinking about this allll day since I woke up, haha!

Your stories seem so real that I have to pinch myself to make me realise that they aren't actually Finn and Rachels futures...

Well done.

Cherrrring (on twitter) :)
igleek chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
Wow. This is the most incredible story I have ever read. I never review stories but this is beyond anything else on here, I cried so much in the last two chapters and the Rachel/Hudson partnership was heartbreaking. Thankyou so much for writing such a beautiful story and I could imagine it being made into a Glee movie or something. So thankyou :)
Gleewritinggirl chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
I've read the story but. Never reviewed I just wanna bravo! Your one great writer. My Twitter accounts Vanessak545 and Finn_corygleeks thanks for the stories :)
Alex Bailey Rothmand chapter 18 . 7/18/2010
Okay, so I never, ever, EVER review fanfictions... simply because I'm too lazy. But this fanfiction was, in simplest terms, UNBELIEVABLE! I fell in love with this fanfiction and I just couldn't stop reading! I kept my cousins up simply to read this! You, my friend, have some SERIOUS talent. You should become a writer because you are SPECTACULAR at this. I'm serious. I cried, laughed, and cried some more! I haven't even reviewed the Maximum Ride fanfictions I read and I am obsessed with MR! You are a truly amazing writer and it was amazing reading your fanfiction. This story is truly fabulous and I'm going to definitely rank this as one of my top fanfictions of all time. I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of passion in this story! It just makes me want to cry. You know, I'm thinking of joining the Navy and my cousin just got shipped off to Afghanistan so this is really a story that hits me hard. You helped me feel that it'll be okay that my cousin's in danger. So, I thank you for helping me with that and for writing this wonderful fanfiction; it truly was a fantastic, amazing, unforgettable read. Applause to you, my friend, applause to you.
Lndsplca chapter 18 . 7/13/2010
This is absolutely the best story I have ever had the privilege to read. I was bawling all over my computer at the end. My roommate probably thinks I'm insane. And this isn't even the first time I've read this story. I've favorited it, added it to my bookmarks, anything to make sure I can read it whenever I want. Gosh, I am so jealous of your talent! ;) I've read your other stories and loved those too. I have to say, I'm a fan. I loved every single aspect of this story. My favorite part is when Finn is trying to compete with himself. Honestly, my favorite part was the entire story, but that stood out the most to me. This story was pure amazingness and I'm so glad I stayed up until 4 in the morning reading this even though I have class the next day. Worth every second.
misplacedfeelings chapter 18 . 7/7/2010
This was amazing.. I read it in one sitting and couldn't get enough of it, you are an amazing writer.
glee-ellie chapter 18 . 7/6/2010
This story... it's beauty in it's truest, saddest form. I am now literally crying, as I have been since we learnt that Finn was leaving Rachel in the first place (Which was the first sentence, anyway...).

I just have to pass comment that as soon as I read the name 'Steve Perry', Faithfully came on shuffle on my iPod. (But the Glee version, not the original).

Thankyou for enlightening everyone with this beautiful story.
superbelice chapter 13 . 7/4/2010
i just utterly love how u make finn jealous of himself, and how he is fighting for Rachel over himself its soo intense, funny, and all i kinds of words but i cant think of them at this moment but overall i give u 10 out of ten for the story it has substance and i like a good story with substance, and what makes it even better i am a big gleek and this passed with an A for makning me picture them as their old characters from Glee, so sorry for the long summary, soo good job :D
MJJLove293 chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
Woooow wee, tht was quite the story! I seriously, seriously, seriously enjoyed tht story sooo much, u don't even kno! It was AMAZINGLY GOOD! I mean, I couldn't even put it down, nt once! N I was always wonderin wat wud happen nxt, how were they gunna work things out, n it ws always on my mind! Tht story was so great, I rly appreciate the fact u took the time 2 write it. It had such great detail 2, n it felt so real! I actually felt lik I was experiencing all the emotions they were feelin, thts how gud u r! It's stories lik these tht jus mak me fall even more in luv w/ glee n all the Shows n stuff out there! I rly enjoyed Evry min of it, n I also love ur other stories 2! Write more plz ! N sry 4 the extremely long review.. D DDD
ShannyC1901 chapter 18 . 6/30/2010
Just wanted to say that I honestly loved every single word and chapter of this story :D I was just thinking though this may not be anything you want to even think of doing, which is understandable but have you ever thought of a run off of this story? like a few years or so after the wedding? It was just a thought I had and well I just thought I'd ask.

I'm a huge sucker for the Finn/Rachel stories so, well thanks for the time you gave up to possibly read this. You should follow me on Twitter too if you want to Shanny1901, thanks.
MickeyWrangle chapter 18 . 6/30/2010
This story was totally insane... in the best possible way. Good job, I was ridiculously entertained by this.
sunset-lullabies chapter 18 . 6/30/2010
It's now 3 in the morning and all I have to say is.


That was. Amazing? Words. I don't have them. Hahaha.

You have some serious talent. Everything about this was perfect.
platypus core chapter 6 . 6/27/2010
im sorry i keep commenting on everything but this is like, the first story ever where quinn and rachel are realistic. its sooooo nice
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