Reviews for Hero
finchel chapter 18 . 3/3/2012
I LOVE It , that was so amazing i dont know how many times i cried
Estefanny chapter 1 . 2/25/2012
even i cried! i absolutely loved how she was crying and he was just sitting there holding her! So aww-dorable! i cannot wait till the next part! yay!

Sasha chapter 18 . 2/5/2012
One of the best fics i ever read! its trully amazing, you made me smile, cry, laugh, and fall in love again and again! Thanks for your fics they are.. well, dont find words to describe how cool tey are! :)
PopBev chapter 18 . 1/30/2012
Amazing, just wow.
JAHB chapter 18 . 1/30/2012
I have to say this is one of the most amazing Finchel stories I have ever read.

It was beautiful! There are just no words! Bravo! Bravo! Brilliant! Amazing! I teared up nearly the entire way through. And putting Faithfully at the end? You're killing me here!

But well done! You and your stories are so amazing and so inspiring, I love each and every one. Thank you so much for writing them. And please, carry on.
The Dreaming Soul Writer chapter 18 . 1/26/2012
I barely have words to describe how I felt about this story, I am torn between crying and laughing happily. Finchel always does seem to get the short end of the stick, but they will always remain together...faithfully ( perfect song for their wedding song, they better use that!) I love your work, especially this one because it was so such a tragic-war-romance story and I am the biggest sucker for those...even though I lose half the water in my body through tears. I realized my last review was kind of long and I apologize for that - I'll try to refrain myself (but you, being amazing and so talented, just have to write such awesome stories in which I want to detail like every line:D). Love your writing, Don't Stop! Writin'! Hold onto that talent!
The Dreaming Soul Writer chapter 10 . 1/25/2012
I'm sorry if there is spelling mistakes, I can barely see through my tepars. I hate you, love you, and wish I could write as well as you can, all at the same time! (The hate is on a very low scale, by the way, just because I couldn't handle Finn losing his awkwardness and his...innocence; it's like my favorite qualities of Finn's). Love is obvious, this story is, like all of your others, beautiful. It has the perfect mix of everything - angst, love, hope, promise, ire, humor (also, out of all the lines for Finn remember, - "I slept with him." "Me too." bahahahahaha, poor Finn. What to remember! Loved it.) I don't know whom to feel sorry for more, Finn or Rachel. Finn's pain is obvious - he has no idea who he is anymore and he feels so lost, it's breaking my heart into little pieces. The fact that he still has feelings for Rachel, even when he can't remember her correctly, is so beautiful and can't help but to love him. Then, there is Rach. She is probably going through the worst of it because she does know and has to deal with this new Finn, or Hudson (which reminds me: "Finn is such a pansy-ass name." LOL! Sorry if the words aren't right, but that made me laugh and cry at the same time...I like the name Finn.) I can't wait to finish this, but again, Dang Ole Schedule, has to get in the way. Reading this, you are officially my favourite writer ever on fanfiction. How do you not have work published? I would buy every single piece you wrote, you are so amazing and fabulous. Your writing wants me craving for more, exactly the whole point of me reading all your fics. You're my goal, my inspiration to keep writing and someday I hope I will be able to write with such talent...sorry, I am rambling, but I mean every word. Sorry for it being kind of long, but I really wanted to express how I felt. Don't stop writing, hold onto that talent - because it would be a great shame, to both the world and you, if you stopped writing. You're astounding! Okay, shutting up now. *sings* Don't Stop Writin'! Hold onto that feeling! :)
The Dreaming Soul Writer chapter 2 . 1/25/2012
Bloody potatoes, I really should stop reading these kind of stories...they make me cry so much, but they are so addicting! I haven't been prowling your old stories as much as I used to but I'm getting back on track! Your writing flows so smoothly and you have the characters down to a key - especially Finchel and their emotions. And the fact that I knew Finn wasn't going to die and I'm still crying made me appreciate the work so much more (and my overly emotional self, which I find quite sad seeing as I cry at every little thing, double the waterworks if it is about Finchel). Fantastic work, excellent, beautiful! I only had time to read the first but I'll get there in the end! *sings* Don't Stop Writin'! Hold onto that talent! :)
dharkephoenyx chapter 7 . 1/22/2012
OMG! YOU ARE CRUEL! You think Finn is a pansy name, lol! Funny - the soundtrack for all 3 seasons was playing on repeat while I read, guess which song started just as I got to Farshad calling Finn 'Music Man'?

Don't Stop!

I want more!
dharkephoenyx chapter 4 . 1/22/2012
"Burt looking on in semi-horror." I can so see that look on the actor's face.. I love it! I'm only at chap.4 but already it's gonna be a fave ;-)
Dr34ming chapter 18 . 1/7/2012
That was lovely :) I loved the story progression, I didn't predict any of it. YAY! You write beautifully. Finchel all the way :D
mspinpinlelapin chapter 18 . 12/28/2011
It's the second time I read this story... It's great... It's amazing... You made me cry like a baby...

I really loved it!

I was wondering if maybe you were okay for me to translate it in french... We have a big lack of great Finnchel stories, and the more I read, the more I want to share those stories to french Gleeks ('cause a lot of French do not understand a single word in English)

And also, I was looking for you on twitter, and I can't find you... Snif...


Maïté (PinPin_LeLapin on twitter)
iamagleek15 chapter 18 . 12/23/2011
I loved ur story :) it made me cry a little at the end but it was a great story
lily chapter 18 . 12/19/2011
i m crying. i can't belive is over thank you for this fic
mhlvsfinchelmonchele chapter 18 . 12/18/2011
Great Story! I cried the whole way through, especially since Finn is now meeting with Army Recruiting on the show. I thought the memories flooding back with him holding the engagement ring was genius. We need to be very proud of our military and their families. They sacrifice so much that most Americans don't even know about on a daily basis. My family has several soldiers, Air Force and Marines. One, who was a Marine, paid the ultimate price for freedom Aug 2010 in Afghanistan, protecting a school from the Taliban. This story reveals the heartache that being a military family can bring. Thank God for those small town boys and girls who make up our military who selflessly work daily for the preservation of freedom.
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