Reviews for Sanguine Analysis
heyihavesocks chapter 1 . 1/6/2022
Ah, how I enjoy this lovely interpretation of Holmes and Watson. I sincerely wish there was more, but am happy all the same to have this one book. Thank you for sharing this! And know that I shall read it again and again for as long as it is available:).
heyihavesocks chapter 1 . 7/30/2019
Good heavens I love this! It's brilliantly thought out and I absolutely adore your interpretation of Dr. Watson:)
The Seven of Us chapter 3 . 3/21/2017
I LOVE the banter.
CalliopeMused chapter 14 . 4/14/2016
Very clever retelling, and I very much like your Watson especially
Nearing Midnight chapter 14 . 10/11/2015
This was absolutely brilliant! An excellent modernization of ASIS, and even placed in a different timeline the characterizations were great, which is truly a remarkable feat. :D I had a great time reading this, and my favourites list is definitely getting a new story on it tonight.
Guest chapter 14 . 12/14/2014
This was fantastic! The plot flowed well and the dialogue was engaging (not to mention absolutely hilarious at times) without being overwhelming. One of my favourite lines is "Has anyone ever told you your method of living is subject to a gross amount of surprisingly casual nonsense?" I like how you write Watson with a backbone–many people don't, and it takes away from the character. Your deductions are fantastic as well! I loved the parts about the shoelaces and the wood varnish. Everything in this story was cohesive, and the characters were brilliantly written. I've read a Study in Scarlet, but I actually forgot who the murderer was while I was reading! Thank you for a thoroughly enjoyable literary experience, and I wish you all the best of luck in your future writing endeavours. God bless!
Glorymourn chapter 14 . 12/12/2014
Brilliantly done! Thank you!
Captain Evermind chapter 14 . 9/29/2014
Hey there. Great story! I love the way you interweave the books and the tv series, both in terms of character and plot. It kept me guessing nicely. One small piece of criticism, which I hope you won't object to: be more careful with your use of apostrophes (especially it's/its and Holmes'/Holmes's). There were only a few errors, but I found them rather distracting, and it's a pity to allow little things like that to detract from what is in all other instances an excellent piece of story-telling. I look forward to reading more from you! Cheers. :-)
Gimlifan8 chapter 14 . 1/16/2014
That's it? C'mon, you gotta write a sequel! This was hilarious! Holmes' character was certainly different, but I'm not complaining, it wasn't a bad change. Watson's snappy attitude was welcome addition, though I guess you see that at the movies. Amazing!
Eiladwyn chapter 14 . 12/19/2013
I feel that if Doyle was alive (and if he had not hated Holmes), he would have considered your writing as an eloquent threat to his throne of Holmesian literature. Thank you so much for posting this! Your characterisation and banter flowed incredibly well; the humour was present without being stifling and I wish I could download this.
I also like that you incorporated reminders that this was set in the 21st century without sacrificing any of Holmes's Bohemian nature.

Thank you again.
SpectralNutmeg chapter 1 . 10/9/2013
I love this fact this is the second or third time I've read it, so I thought I should overcome my laziness and finally write you a review!

You do a great job with Holmes and seem to know their characters very well. Also I should say that I really love your writing style. I haven't read many of your other fics because I'm not too familiar with those fandoms, but I've taken a peek and was not disappointed. You are a very talented writer, and I hope to read more of your work soon. I'm even considering watching some new TV shows just so I can read more of your stories!

Thank you for the hours of entertainment and the beautiful writing...I hope you're out there getting paid for this in some capacity-you deserve it!
MuggleCreator chapter 14 . 8/16/2013
Brilliant. Just brilliant. Oh Holmes! Oh Watson...
Gyreflight chapter 14 . 4/20/2013
I enjoyed this.

You hooked me from the first chapter, and I can’t imagine that there are many readers in the fandom who wouldn’t continue on once they’d started – that was a masterful introduction in style, content and characterisation (little things like what it is that Watson – quite knowingly – gets out of his gambling, ring true, and make a kind of sense that had never occurred to me before).

The characterisation and modernisation of both Holmes and Watson, apart and together, really works, and was a pleasure to read.

I do have to admit that it felt more like an AU of the original source than of the movie – I did try to shift my vision back, but the characters refused to co-operate (I can’t get my mind’s eye to follow the movie casting), so I hope you don’t mind that my mental filing system dockets it ‘wrongly’.

Nice, work, thanks – I look forward to re-reading it when next the yen strikes me.
Redmage2 chapter 1 . 1/22/2013
Every time I find my interest in Sherlock Holmes revived (which happens about once a year, thanks to movies and TV), I reread this story. It remains my favorite adaptation of Holmes into the modern era-in any medium. I just wanted to review again to let you know.
Book girl fan chapter 14 . 12/25/2012
Please, write another of these! Even if it is ony a short case, please keep going, this universe and these characters are really intriguing me. Even if I have read about them so many times before, they are some of my favorites, and I love this new modern setting. Oh no, I sound like I'm talking about a house! Seriously, though, I really mean it, and I really want to read more about them.
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