Reviews for The Warlord
Wolvie26 chapter 34 . 1/7/2020
Love it! Can't wait to see what happens next! Hope you update soon!
Roleplaying.queen chapter 4 . 1/6/2020
swear it
Roleplaying.queen chapter 3 . 1/6/2020
man not men

love the story
southernpur-rica chapter 34 . 12/29/2019
I love your stories, I just wish there was more. Maybe one day you’ll come back, hopefully?...
Pinklass chapter 34 . 9/26/2019
Will this story be finished? Or has it been forgotten?
ahotchick94 chapter 34 . 9/15/2019
This story was amazing. I was hooked from first chapter to last. I was just wondering if there was an epilogue chapter that would ever come. I understand, life gets on the way of inspiration and actual time to write. So I was just hoping that maybe one day it would come out.
scarlson31 chapter 34 . 9/7/2019

You realize you have left Jasper with 6 years of blue balls? Never mind us readers, that is just cruel! C’mon back and get that boy laid! Sheesh!
Jaqielaine chapter 15 . 8/3/2019
She was was not being spoiled ok about to beat his ass
Jaqielaine chapter 14 . 8/3/2019
I’m going to be completely I couldn’t accept this fully and I have to at least have a say when I want to have sex he couldn’t just forcefully take me
andrewpine chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
Please don't leave this hanging.
ElouiseRose chapter 34 . 7/7/2019
when will u write the final chapter?.
Fastace2429 chapter 34 . 7/6/2019
Nice will we get to see Bella go into her change before she marries jasper? Please update soon!
momezi32 chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
After reading other reviews I have come to feel mg reasoning was just. Your notion on women being powerful and great but in the end bow down to men. No matter that man's own status is atrocious. Jasper's thought process is very disgusting and wrong. He seems at some points to be emotion raping other characters. He is robbing edwards and bella's choice to even work it out on their own or give up. Even though she is destined to be his mate doesn't mean he is entitled to her like a toy. If he loved her he would let her choose so she can be happy. Otherwise how is he any better that an controlling edward. Anyway I am glad this story hasn't been updated. It is povs like this that makes the world such a difficult place to live and cultivate in.
momezi32 chapter 4 . 7/5/2019
I don't really like how manipulative Jasper is being. The fact that he is thinking of this in a way as courting seems wrong. Yes he is going to be a hardass because of his history. The fact that he believes women are to be completely submissive men is very sexist. Although he says he wants her to be fiesty with others. Idk I may give up on this story
adores.dylan chapter 5 . 6/23/2019
do you realize that Jasper professes to bathing in piss everyday, in this chapter? I know that’s not how it was meant and I LOVE your characters and their complexities and intelligence as well as your style of writing and more.. I just wondered if you ever realized the double meaning lol wish you were writing more! Take care (;
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