Reviews for Nature of Love
divyvicki chapter 10 . 6/8/2014
Great job with a kind of sad chapter.
divyvicki chapter 9 . 6/5/2014
Boy, Carlisle is a real piece of work. No wonder the boys want nothing to do with him.
divyvicki chapter 8 . 6/2/2014
Great chapter. Love Maggie!
BB Masen-Cullen chapter 23 . 6/2/2014
I looked this Fic! Loved the whole thing! I loved the AT Trail and loved how you went beyond the AT Trail and how you went into the future too with the Babies! Loved everything about this Fic! Enjoyed reading it lots!
pixiekat7 chapter 23 . 5/31/2014
What an amazing journey, Deb! Seriously, it hard to put into words how much I adored this story. I'm positive I ran through then entire spectrum of emotions while riding this rollercoaster & I'm so thankful that you shared it.
Much love.
divyvicki chapter 7 . 5/30/2014
Great chapter. Love this story.
divyvicki chapter 6 . 5/26/2014
Rose will never let her leave Edward.
divyvicki chapter 5 . 5/22/2014
Another great chapter. Wonderful story. Love the songs.
Curls4twilight chapter 23 . 5/21/2014
Great story! These characters were so sweet! I loved their hiking adventure and the way they all became family after the hike. Carlisle was definitely an ass but glad he was punished & reformed. This Edward was so sweet even w/his past. I'm sad the story is over but it was a great ending! :)
divyvicki chapter 4 . 5/19/2014
Great chapter. Lovin this story.
Maplestyle chapter 23 . 5/18/2014
So much love for this story! Sorry I didn't review every chapter but I just breezed right through it!
Capricorn75 chapter 19 . 5/11/2014
If Esme chooses to stay with Carlisle after all this then she is the biggest idiot ever. The fact that she's stayed with him and made excuses for him and the way he treats Edward is no different than what Renee did to Bella.
evilnat chapter 23 . 5/11/2014
Enjoyed this story so much! I'm not sure why I hadn't read it sooner!

Loved their connection and yeah he was a bit stupid when he did what he did but it made him more canon! The dog was amazing! I wish my dog acted like that!

Thanks! Xxx
divyvicki chapter 3 . 5/11/2014
Rose meeting Emmett is definitely going to be interesting.
Capricorn75 chapter 16 . 5/11/2014
Damn, girl, you got me all hot and bothered there at the end. Too bad Bella won't share! ;-)
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