Reviews for Nature of Love
ChristyWIX chapter 7 . 4/4/2014
I really appreciated that he ran after her into the rain. Their conversation was a good one. The true I love you's came out and they were far better . . . still think it's too early, but only because of the situation. Believe me, I know you can fall hard and fast . . . my husband and I knew by the third day, we were each other's 'one'. So yes, less than a week for the both of us. Still twenty-four years later and it gets stronger each and every day. I digress. I do not like that he has managed yet another two weeks of not telling her . . . it's cowardly. I loved that she told him she knew the facts. That she knew the facts and the ILY's alone, should've shown him it is okay to tell her everything. I don't understand the hang up. He did something horrible, but only he thinks it's his fault. His whole family says it's not his fault. So what if he did something that ended in a tragedy. From what we've learned so far . . . Gwen wasn't innocent in this at all . . . so really, what could be so bad that he thinks Bella will run . . . it makes zero sense to me. Liked the song game. Looks like Edward won that bet.
ChristyWIX chapter 6 . 4/4/2014
Another fantastic chapter. Loved the bathtub and the sexy shaving of each other . . . so, so, *rolling my eyes in pleasure* , yummy. Her nightmare and not quite waking was so heartbreaking. To have those horrible terrors all these years later . . . that sucks. Edward's conversation with Rose was absolutely wonderful. We've seen EmxB talking a couple of times. Have ExR have their time together was really wonderful. I really also like the game they played all day long. Bella's whispered I love you was not surprising. Him overhearing it was unfortunate. His resulting epiphany and saying it back was sad, to me. I may be in the minority here, but I wanted them to both be ready and conscious for that big of a declaration. We know that both of them truly do love one another, of that I have no doubt. Having those feelings and saying them out loud are two very different things. She truly wasn't ready to tell him and her reaction is completely warranted. I just hope this kicks his ass into finally telling her, everything. At least, that is where I think you may be headed with this cliffie. His resounding, I will not tell her at the beginning of this chapter is not good. This ending is the answer to that beginning.
ChristyWIX chapter 5 . 4/3/2014
Thanks for putting two and two together for this dense reader within the first couple of paragraphs. That Renee was killed and Bella sexually assaulted by Jerry. I guess it's late and I've been held reading, half elsewhere. Ugh. Rosalie telling Emmett, even with Bella's blessing, before Edward knew, was off to me for some reason. Don't know why . . . shrugs. That moonlit talk on the river bank and the following schmexy in the river was so romantic. I really liked that part. I love that Charlie told Bella the 'facts', but I really wish that had not happened. I wanted Edward himself to tell Bella. Now she knows something that she shouldn't know yet. I really don't like that she didn't tell Edward right away. Keeping it from him, just seems to me, to be a disaster waiting to happen. He already has issues and needs to trust her before telling her. This is a disregard of that trust. I really hope is doesn't backfire on her. I'm just chanting, HEA, HEA, HEA.
ChristyWIX chapter 4 . 4/3/2014
I freaking love Rose, she rocks! She's a great friend. The part with Maggie getting bacon was so cute. You make me want to see this AT, at least some parts of it anyway. That says a lot, as I'd rather be on my couch reading my iPad . . . LOL. Loved the laundry room conversation between Emmett and Edward. Em telling E that he really needs to tell her things. E letting Em know, she too, has issues. Edward's Beth story was bad, but Bella was absolutely correct with her assessment. High school, wealthy, good looking and Carlisle's games . . . all of it very bad combination. I still think Gwen is either dead, or something else, but I'm leaning towards dead. 'Mistake' being the operative word. Also, him being so introverted and broody to begin with, most certainly hasn't helped this situation. Bella's Phil story was good . . . although, I'm sure there is more to the Jerry part, that isn't necessary to learn. At least for this reader. I think you somehow said that Jerry killed Renee in there, but not sure. I did like that Edward sleeps with no dreams when with Bella. That has to be heady for Bella . . . both the good and bad, heady.
ChristyWIX chapter 3 . 4/3/2014
I just adored how when she roll on the stick and cut her knee, that he attended to it . . . the best part being that he kissed her boo-boo after he placed the band-aid on it. So freaking cute. Also, just loved when Emmett was full of questions about Rosalie and when she was coming to meet with them. That was fun. The song choices Edward picked were pretty good. Battlefield by whom? His anger over her dancing with the other man was interesting. Her anger right back at him telling him he can't have both and to choose was awesome! His coming to her tent in the middle of the night, after his night terrors was surprising. It was sweet that he ran to her, in lieu of away from her. I so did not expect that to happen so fast in this story. I liked it, don't get me wrong, but I did not see that coming at all. Especially with the earlier fight. I knew it would be a difficult night for him, with Maggie not being able to be there with him and her choosing to stay outside. The "I don't have...the strength to stay away from you anymore", line just got me . . . GAH. Your writing . . . yummy. Their going slow and neither having been with anyone in a year and two years. Loved it all. Still surprising. I like the one-for-one deal. I bet there will be days where they will want a follow up answered and the 'one only' rule will fly out of the answering person's mouth. Looking forward to learning more.
ChristyWIX chapter 2 . 4/3/2014
I actually wrote down words so I cold remember by the end of this chapter what to talk about. LOL. The tick thing I've seen happen to our golden retriever when I was around eight. My dad used his cigarette the same way and it too worked. Unfortunately, the cigarettes killed my father . . . cancer. When I was eight is the same time we all found out I suffer from asthma . . . still do at age forty-six. Turns out my allergies are a very big trigger and my golden had to go live with the grandparents. Sad for us all, but it came down to either me or the dog. The grandparents had a ton of land, so Paco was extremely happy there. Although, that kiss was hot . . . I'm thinking it may have been too soon for these two damaged people. We'll see. I had the very strong feeling that Rosalie would be Bella's boss and she is . . . and, she is joining her on the trail . . . woohoo. She sounded fantastic with that short phone call. I adored the pact she made with Edward, without Emmett around. It so came back as beneficial later in that chapter . . . whoot! I loved the addition of Alice and Jasper . . . that was a nice surprise. Yay! Loved the song game she wanted to play. Ugh, Victoria and James . . . that'll come back later, 'nuff said on that. Charlie seems perfect . . . so glade both the boys spoke to their mom . . . loved that Edward hung up on Carlisle. Spectacular of Bella to call Edward out on his shit there at the end. I'm thinking someone died in that car accident . . . perhaps this evil Gwen that Emmett spoke of. Again, we'll see. Onward . . .
ChristyWIX chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
Well, I liked your first story so much, I thought I'd try this one too. Those two series of yours, the individual stories all say complete, but are the series complete? I don't like to read an WIP's if I can help it. Did that make sense? I really liked this first chapter . . . a lot. There was soooo much in it to get us into the characters quickly. Love Maggie . . . great character. So, a tortured Edward. His nightmares are intriguing and have piqued my interest. I liked how Bella said she and Mike were friends and that they hung out all the time, that the people around them assumed they were together. One day they were actually together and she didn't remember making that choice. There was so much said with that statement alone. Emmett seems like the protective brother and just super nice. I can't believe that Carlisle would force EE out of bids and then bought the company right out from under them . . . claiming "saved the day" . . . what an ass. Can't wait to learn more about that. Onward . . .
HamHamNation chapter 23 . 2/22/2014
The tears! Make them stop! So many feels! Excellent story! I can't begin to describe the feels! Maybe I will review again when I am no longer emotionally compromised.
Lots of love
Tammygrrrl chapter 23 . 2/6/2014
Wonderful story!
Loved it so much!
alaskangirl chapter 23 . 2/2/2014
i just love reading about an evil Carlisle and then reading about how his ass was handed to him. another fucking brilliant ff. thank you!
Guest chapter 20 . 1/26/2014
Sorry the review does not show my name. Having some difficulty with the log in. This story is awesome! So happy Bella is ok! Poor Edward! Amazing job writing! So happy all of them got what they deserved! Carlisle, sad disappointment ! Love this story!
annabananaboo chapter 23 . 1/23/2014
i love your stories! Its hard to stop reading. Its a good thing i dont have class today. Hahaha! Im excited to read your other stories.
Annazonie chapter 2 . 1/16/2014
You are a great writer! I love this story! Long chapters; Awesome! I hope Edward pulls his head out of his butt soon and tells Bella! Also, wondering what happened to Bella... Hmmmm. Thank you!
Annazonie chapter 1 . 1/15/2014
Long chapters! Love that! Love this story! I'm so jealous of Maggie! Getting to snuggle with Edward! Thanks for writing
Sarah Amin chapter 20 . 12/6/2013
i bet them selling Cullen constructions is the real blow to Carlisle even more than Esme punching his ugly mug .
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