Reviews for Nature of Love
debb lavoie chapter 13 . 10/16/2020
So hard to get trust back. Great chapter!
debb lavoie chapter 11 . 10/16/2020
Oh god that hurt, bad.
debb lavoie chapter 1 . 10/16/2020
A great start with a mystery needing to be solved and a great journey started.
dreamthief19 chapter 23 . 9/22/2020
What a beautiful story. I loved going along for the journey of healing these two went on. There isnt much about this story I dont like. I loved your plot, it was very unique. Your characters were all very loveable (well, the ones meant to be loved were). Your storytelling ability is superb. The way you painted the pictures of this tale was so clear I felt like I was really there with them. Also, I absolutely loved Maggie. I really really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing.
numtwelve chapter 23 . 8/11/2020
Even after all these years, I keep coming back to this story. I found something wonderful in the beautiful writing here, and I cannot escape it. I come back and read it probably once a year it seems. Love it so much!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2020
This was an amazing story! I hope to read more of your stuff!
BurtonM1927 chapter 11 . 5/22/2020
Wonderful loving story, wait u till the .middle of this tale for the excitement to unfold.
VryUnique chapter 23 . 2/22/2020
Thanks for sharing your story. I enjoyed it.
VryUnique chapter 22 . 2/22/2020
I hope Edward’s having the house redone for them.
Carlisle...mmmmmmm... not sure how I feel. He said something about getting rid of the whore but it was also said he just wanted her held until demands where met. He told that Edward was seeing Gwen but was he actually risking Edward’s life? I would need more insight into Carlisle’s mind, his thought process and what he thought the end result would be. A persons intentions is a big deal. Did he want Bella dead? Did he know he was putting Edward in mortal danger? He was definitely an ass who wanted control of his sons and everything only his way. I guess he also wanted Edward to suffer some because he felt Edward didn’t show him the admiration and respect that he felt he deserved while he was growing up. Did he want Bella dead? He seemed to be beside himself when he thought Esme was in the hands of some maniac. He was putting Bella in the hands of same maniac and it didn’t bother him. So it was ok if she was being tortured and raped even if his intent was not to kill? Carlisles sins seem too great to me...
VryUnique chapter 11 . 2/21/2020
I hate nothing more than Edward leaving Bella for her own good in a story. I love it when they face things together head on.
JasiHT chapter 23 . 1/30/2020
Just re-read this for the 3rd time... One of my favorites that I always come back to. Such an amazing story.
Lovely Black Butterfly chapter 2 . 1/6/2020
And That's where you lost me. I'm breaking up with you. LOL It's not you, it's me Your writing it very good. I really like the story so it's nothing you've done. I have Edward issues. I basically can't stand the self-loathing, brooding, "l know what's better for you" prick. But at least you gave Bella a backbone. Don't hate me. You'll find someone who appreciates you for the fine writer you are.
Lovely Black Butterfly chapter 2 . 1/6/2020
I like this. I'm not a ExB genre reader however this reminds me of a movie a saw with Reese Witherspoon. A different trail, not the AT. On the west coast. somewhere between northern California and Canada. People did the journey for different reasons. Good movie, and this is a good story.
alexiana75 chapter 5 . 12/12/2019
I read this the third time, I think. I am not sure what chapter I reviewed. So : of course Charlie would just "spill the facts" , Edward and Bella are awesome, Emmet is adorable
jmstoer chapter 23 . 9/12/2019
I have been quietly reading everything you have posted. I love your writing. Thank you for sharing your storytelling gift.
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