Reviews for Oyu No Ranma
Khimenko Victor chapter 2 . 3/8/2002
Looks good so far :-) Still it's easy part: Shampoo, Ryoga and Ukyou will be *much* harder. Situation with Ukyou is strangely symmetryc: Ranma thinks Ukyou is boy and Ukyou (correctly in general but incorrectly at the moment) also thinks Ranma is the boy. Ryouga - will he fall for Ranma or not ? In both cases it should be amusing... And Shampoo will probably dead set on killing Ranma and since Nabiki is also dead set against Ranma... hmm... it'll not be pretty. On other hand Nabiki will probably not mercenary enough to actually betray her family. Mousse will be here as well but not Cologne (Shampoo is not punished yet and there are no reason for matriarth to be involved but after some time Mouse will probably catch up)... So we'll have very fine mess well before six months - of course mess *after* six months will be bigger still... Yeah, your story has a lot of potential - let see what you can do with it... And who Ranma will ends up with after six months: if he'll be able to change back or not - in both cases question is interesting, but if you'll look on canon where "everything goes to hell but ends up Ok"(tm) then curse should be locked for just enough time to make Ranma accept permanent loss of manhood and not longer...
Chrono chapter 2 . 3/8/2002
Very very very well written, I like it. Keep up the good work! Im just curiosu to see what happens after the 6 months, Does ranma have to drinkw ater from the vial to cure herself? is it permanent?

Oh well, Ill just have to wait (jeeze I sound like one of those stupid announcers on pokemon or something )
Fafhrd chapter 2 . 3/8/2002
Hey, great Chapter. I think you are doing a pretty good job of keeping them in character. One exception might be Nabiki. She never sold pictures of Akane nude, ony Ranma. I don't suggest any changes to this since you obviously used that as a major event. Overall a very good chapter, continue trying to keep the characters in character, and allowing the changes to flow from that, and I think this is going to be a fun and good read. Keep it up.
Pat Stapleton chapter 2 . 3/8/2002
Very good. I really liked your characterization. A (somewhat) more thoughtful Ranma, and a Genma who is at least slightly willing to accept that things can't always go the way he wants. Still, I wouldn't want to be in Ranma's shoes in six months time if she/he does change back to male form. Akane is going to be major PO'd!

Please do continue this story.
Johannes chapter 2 . 3/8/2002
You did a great job on this chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
Dan Inverse chapter 2 . 3/8/2002
hmmm...I wonder, I sort of wodner if you are going to let Ranma used the veil? It will be a nice start!
Kawaii-e chapter 1 . 2/13/2002
HEy Hey! Thi's Plot is new for me, and I wan't to know how's Genma gonna react, and how Ranma deals with it. And Nodoka and others.. esp: Kuno! *grins*

Na dann; Bis dann:

NemesisZero chapter 1 . 2/12/2002
interesting... a little long in getting to the actual beginning of the plot, but pretty good. how the hell has ranma managed to not break the vile if it's been tied in his hair? as much as he getts slammed off of walls and such, it should be so many shards of glass by now.
DoctorGarcia chapter 1 . 2/12/2002
This is excellent. If you don't continue it, well... I will! So there! Keep it up, your style is excellent.
Fafhrd chapter 1 . 2/12/2002
I found this somewhat interesting. And definitely want to see more. i read it a day or so ago so I don't remember enought to give a rundown of errors. I also don't reember any so keep up the good work. i can't wait for Genma's reaction.
Starx chapter 1 . 2/12/2002
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