Reviews for American dreams in an English village
SunUmbrella chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
Horse. That's totally worth it.
Haianna chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
Aww, how cute! I'm loving this so far!
Lost Duck Inc chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
Beautiful! I like the childish, leisurely pace of the story, and some sentences are simply commendable for stopping me in my track and causing me to involuntarily smile. I especially love "The Americans were in town", which is simply an attention-grabber for an introduction. Wonderful use of short sentences to show the abruptness of Child!Arthur's thoughts (""But then Alfred showed up."). The youth of the protagonists are especially well portrayed. So is the figure of Arthur's father. I am expecting a lot from your characters XD

To cut my babbling short (don't blame me; I'm just too awed to stop), it's a nice beginning for a story, like a USUK classic with a fresh spin on it. I've been reading a lot of your stories, and finally managed to get a chance to properly review one! Keep writing! I'll be waiting (impatiently) for your next instalments! :D

P.S. I found some minor spelling mistakes, nothing you should worry about. "though" is supposed to be "thought" while I think you typed "Staling" instead of "Stalin" once.
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