Reviews for Of Leaves and Lilac chapter 1 . 6/4/2020
When I found Tsukihime "anime" ff
Anyways inhuman determination to write more than 200k words desptite being not popular..
Thank U
tuythuan chapter 66 . 12/10/2018
Your fic is good. I finished it in a day. What a wonderful ride!
Shame that your fic doesn't have many people read it. And it seems like you don't plan to write anymore.
I hope you continue what you have started. But that is depend on you
Anyway, good work
Etokaiten chapter 66 . 6/5/2015
Nice story.
ScarletEdge98 chapter 66 . 3/12/2014
This is still one of the best Tsukihime fanfic I've ever read. Such a shame, though.
Jarik Tentsu chapter 66 . 11/1/2013
Quite enjoyed this fic. Shame it seems like you decided not to continue it!
For Spite chapter 60 . 4/6/2013
A year and a half and I still check this occasionally and re-read sections.

Also Well, unless one is Frankenstein, or perhaps has a disembodied hand for a family member, or something... but that would be such a strange family, I would not even want to know whom they are."
Nice Munsters and Addams family references.
KJacket chapter 66 . 11/14/2012
Aww, discontinued? It's a great story, I've been wanting to read something like this! Awesome that we got lots of Seo and Souka action with Akiha, always wanted to read more about how Akiha acts at school and with her friends, and some romance too, just perfect :) Please consider restarting writing this story!
SolemnSaturn chapter 31 . 7/12/2012
I never imagine that Souka has a fall for Akiha.
This chapters was very intense, see things from Akihas POW and see and felt what she is struggling very cool

I really like this fanfic.
SolemnSaturn chapter 9 . 7/11/2012
Akiha is thinking to much about this. I think that she will take some time to realize what she really felt.
SolemnSaturn chapter 6 . 7/11/2012

I'm back.
Theses two chapters are great you write in a way that not capable now, its like the story is flowing from you into the paper.

Well Seo and Akiha kissing in the doujinshi was funny. And the truth is that i like the idea.
SolemnSaturn chapter 4 . 7/11/2012
Well the story is going well.
And don't worry if i not write any reviews is probably because i had nothing usefull to said.

And sorry for the grammar mistakes.
SolemnSaturn chapter 2 . 7/11/2012
As far as i'm reading this story are looking great.
It's like you said before, people need to play the entire game to read this. My luck that i had played already. It was a long time ago but i played;
SolemnSaturn chapter 1 . 7/11/2012

I'm a new reader of your story. I was in the beast lair forum when i see a link to your fanfiction, and i like read fanfics i just think that was a good idea to read it.

This is the first chapter so i'll not do any commentary, i had nothing to say yet.
I'll keep reading.
Tommo1 chapter 66 . 4/23/2012
This piece of fanfiction has been an absolutely awesome read for me over the past couple of days and from reading some of the other reviews I can tell it has been the same for others.

The way you have written some scenes realy does remind me of some of the visual novel.

I realy hope that you come back to this and finish it off. At the start you said that there was going to be about 80 chapters if i remember corectly. That leaves 13 to go and it seems a shame not to finish off a piece of work as good as this.
Lupin chapter 66 . 4/21/2012
I really hope that you are still alive and update this masterpiece. Such a shame that this wonderful story is going to be a dead fic.
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