Reviews for Time is the Fire
khatre chapter 9 . 9/26/2024
"i cant love you or our children because you love anoter girl more than me ... I would rather them not exist at all!" ...
Ginny .. you are a dumbass ...because that is stupid ...
kaijuka chapter 19 . 9/24/2024
this was incredible. such a beautiful story.
Silla chapter 19 . 9/22/2024
Wow this was such a beautiful read! Thank you for sharing it
JuliaLestrange chapter 19 . 9/22/2024
It was so good. WOW
MommaMel chapter 15 . 9/14/2024
Why didnt time tured Harry, go get the rest of the horcrux’s? You start this chapter about how he trveled the world, why couldn’t he at least help OG Harry.
Guest chapter 19 . 7/15/2024
odonnellzoo99 chapter 18 . 6/29/2024
I haven't read this in years but decided to read it again this week. Still a Favorite.
hermineG chapter 13 . 6/14/2024
Makes me sad but in a good way.
Ebullientjenn chapter 19 . 5/22/2024
What a great story! I enjoyed this so much.
MoreThanBooksAndCleverness chapter 19 . 5/2/2024
Loved this. Fantastic. Well done. Thank you.
SimplyAdventures chapter 1 . 3/19/2024
I really enjoyed the plot of this story. It does jump around a lot time frame wise and what is going on there's three different stories or timelines being talked about all at the same time and it just kind of continues I wish those breaks in the chapters started with some identifying information so you knew where you were in the story because then you have to go back and reread the page to fully understand what's happening. For instance when Harry is in St Mungo's when it jumps back to those scenes simply writing St mungo's at the top or even dates like 1998 or 6th year. I think it would really help with the flow of the story. I really like it a lot
Sarcasm Dragon chapter 19 . 3/10/2024
Very well done story.
Unfortunately, there was one plot hole that I don't think you cleared up. If I missed something, I would be glad of an explanation.

You had several St. Mungo's healers and even brought in a specialist to examine Harry. They all concurred he had a powerful memory charm placed on him.

Then at the moment you had Harry there to cast the charm he explained he was only going to talk himself into giving her up. There was no memory charm. I was waiting for you to explain that inconsistency, but I never saw that.

This story also seems to include a grandfather paradox-since Married-to-Ron Hermione disappeared once she convinced Master-of-Death Harry not to do what he planned, it would seem your story runs on a system similar to Back to the Future rather than the "Single Timeline" that Rowling's time turners usually involve. But in that case, there would need to be a version of Harry that will go back in time and then sacrifice himself for each loop.

Of course, you can just hand wave that and say "it's magic" or "that version of Harry existed outside of time" or "time travel works how my plot needs it to-it's fiction" and that's totally fine. I'm only asking for a reason because this story is well done and well thought through.

Anyways, thanks for the story! Added to favorites.
Sarcasm Dragon chapter 5 . 3/10/2024
Ah, I figured out what the artifact was.

The Mirror of Erised. Harry saw himself with Hermione in the mirror instead of with Ginny.

Speculation: Dumbledore realized that Harry would never sacrifice himself so long as Hermione was in the picture. Hence the need for the memory charm.

Alternatively, it could be Harry himself who did the charm, but the reason for that is unclear.

Least likely is that Ron did it (not Ginny since you say "he") in order to have his "happily ever after"
Guest chapter 8 . 2/19/2024
Guest chapter 8 . 2/19/2024
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