Reviews for Edroar the Angry Lion
LadySnowdon chapter 20 . 8/29
This story was wonderful, I really loved it! I binge-read in in two days. Thank you for such great writing. It really is unique as there's so many Twifics out there. I looked at your blog too to see the pics there. I absolutely loved Edroar. It was getting so intense at the point the story ended, I was like, wow...! And Edward still had secrets to reveal and boy, am I curious. I have to use my imagination as to how the story may have ended but I do hope Bella and Edroar got their happy ending (and Edward is no longer the angry lion!)
Tiger-Lilly89 chapter 20 . 8/21
I actually can't believe you abandoned the fic here. HERE. Are you freaking kidding me?! Please say you posted it somewhere else like wattpad or something I read the first few chapters a while ago but I never got to New York until now and then I find out not only is this amazing, hilarious and incredibly sexy but that you just abandoned it. Please pick it back up just to pit me out of my misery
hawkeye1958 chapter 1 . 5/26
i really like this story . are you going t finish it? ithas been 5years since an update. i am about read chapter 20. Please don't let us hang . thanks
Happy Memorial Day Weekend
Guest chapter 20 . 3/24
Thank you so much, this really is the best book ever! I can never more than dream of repaying you...
Sabelina chapter 1 . 1/3
Are you ever going to post another chapter? It’s been four years. we still want the angry lion sex
quisha1991 chapter 20 . 11/29/2023
It’s so long but please update
Guest chapter 20 . 10/21/2023
I wish you’d finish this story…I check each day to make sure a surprise chapter hasn’t been uploaded.
TheBlackBella chapter 20 . 8/7/2023
I want more of this story consider posting again
kbartlett16 chapter 20 . 7/2/2023
i really hope you finish this story
nbrian72 chapter 20 . 6/1/2023
will you be continuing the story
UNcoDED ZiPCoDe chapter 20 . 4/20/2023
This is actually my favorite ! I savor and read over every word. I hope you continue this when you get the chance
Daisy57 chapter 20 . 2/10/2023
Please tell me you are finishing this I love it. Regards Toni
gilette719 chapter 20 . 1/12/2023
You said you would keep trying and never give up. Please keep o that. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS…
JaysWorld2 chapter 20 . 11/12/2022
I cant believe this stopped before the good stuff. Obviously I knew it hasn't been updated in forever when I started reading yesterday, but cooooomme oooon. This is just too funny and diety to give up.

I hope you're okay and that maybe the final chapters are hanging out on your hard drive, waiting to be published. I'll keep it on alert until the end of times, just in case.
Guest chapter 20 . 10/18/2022
Hope you're okay. Can't wait for more. :)
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