Reviews for Teach Your Children Well
Panek chapter 7 . 6/9/2020
Healers that hit things!
Panek chapter 3 . 6/9/2020
Your decision to have Naruto be a chakra sensor does make sense, as it is not a rare trait in Uzumakiat least, in comparison to non-Uzumaki. I’m not sure about overall.
Frida521 chapter 22 . 6/1/2020
Acabo de terminar de leer tu fic, y déjame decirte que estuvo genial. Me encantó la forma en la que manejaste los personajes. Y aunque siento levemente que el final estuvo un poco apresurado, lo escribiste de tal forma que todo terminó teniendo sentido. Los fanfics de viajes en el tiempo siempre son interesantes de leer y éste no me decepcionó en lo absoluto. Eres genial! Sigue así :D
Lloré con la muerte del Gai de la otra línea temporal.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/9/2020
Your writing skills are exzellent. Kakashi showing sharingan, what amazing scene
notcryingYAY chapter 22 . 5/5/2020
wow! i mean, the ending was a tad bit rushed, but it really was satisfying :) im glad that you took the liberty to finish it up for us though!

also, ignore that person down there bashing you for KakaIru - it’s barely noticeable in this fic anyway and didn’t hinder the story telling in any way :D
curry-llama chapter 4 . 5/3/2020
Kakashi being mean to a psychologically scarred kid who was tortured by his older brother and made to watch his parents die again and again isn't in his character. Asides from Sasuke bashing you've got him spot on. It's just bugging me how he's treating Sasuke terribly for things he hasn't done yet. Sure he's a vengeful asshole, but he was practically taken advantage of and emotionally manipulated by Orochimaru as a TWELVE year old. Being as young as he was and being coeersed into doing bad things doesn't give him a pass sure, but it means that if Kakashi just gave him a chance and steered him in the right direction he wouldn't grow to become such an ass.

In saying that I actually like how you've written him towards Sakura and Naruto, and besides Sasuke, he does come off as a sympathetic character
TheDivineDemon chapter 22 . 5/3/2020
I remember reading part of this years ago and lost it in the sea of Tabs that is my internet. I'm glad I found it again. Thia is probably one of the best Peggy Sue's I've ever read.
FuckOffShitter chapter 10 . 4/29/2020
If you don't like getting told off for making two characters gay just so you can get your jollies off, how about you don't post it online where everyone can openly criticize you for it?

Or even better, how about you don't act like a child when people tell you off for it.
NarutoAdmirer21 chapter 21 . 4/11/2020
I'm glad you decided to finish the fic. Now I feel satisfied. What a great ending! It's great to see how well everything ended up. It was nice to see them all growing powerful and confident. And I loved the parts when Kakashi confronted Sasuke and when Naruto blurted out his Jinchuuriki secret. And of course when Iruka took Naruto in. I absolutely loved this!
The ChocoGoat chapter 22 . 4/9/2020
A FINISHED? FANFICTION? what sort of twilight zone am I living in this sorta feels like the greatest day of my life (ʘᴗʘ)
Noxy the Proxy chapter 22 . 4/5/2020
…...that was unexpected...….very un expected. But a very good Fic. I enjoyed reading it.
mockingbird13 chapter 22 . 4/5/2020
Yay! I finally got to read the whole fic! Loved it! I don't mind that it was cut short, either! You got to all the important set-up parts, and it was nice to see the end results! Thanks for taking the time to write and post this! :3
mockingbird13 chapter 13 . 4/5/2020
Love how Sakura is reevaluating her path as a shinobi and being more like "Maybe...I'm the knight? And then...that would make Sasuke the damsel? :3" and Sasuke is actually taking the time to bring back valuable medicinal ingredients. Plus Naruto is getting better at sensing things. They're growing!
mockingbird13 chapter 9 . 4/5/2020
Huh, Kakashi has a point. Itachi has had years and years to master the Sharingan. Sasuke attempting to catch up was always going to be an almost impossible task.
Honestly, he should have tried to learn tricks that Itachi didn't already know. Medical jutsu can be useful in combat, too, if you use it right. Kabuto was a prime example of that.
Lol, and of course Iruka would be helping Naruto. I wonder if his past as a prankster gave him any neat tricks to pass on? Although he might want to stick to the basics, not wanting to give Naruto even more fuel to terrorize the village with.
mockingbird13 chapter 8 . 4/5/2020
Lol, love the changes Kakashi is making to this timeline. I can't see Sakura loving Gai-sensei's...youthful enthusiasm, but she did become a powerhouse like Tsunade on top of learning medical jutsu in canon, so she has the potential to be really good at taijutsu...And is Sasuke being pushed towards the path of a medi-nin? That would be an interesting change. And more focus on saving people rather than just killing.
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