Reviews for The Dragon Journals
AngelForm chapter 21 . 9/25/2011
An inspired story.

Very interesting to see things from the other side and to see the vast deviation between the different dragons.

Slightly puzzled as to why they have an academic.
LordsFire chapter 21 . 9/13/2011
I'm glad to see another post up, and as to the styling of the story, it does indeed remind me of the earlier chapters. I don't think that's a good or a bad thing, I like the slight style differences in both the earlier and the later chapters.
Tagesh chapter 21 . 9/9/2011
As others have said- nice to see Toothless again! This was very fun and well written. And, of course, I love the reference to Venom-Hissers "singing his name". Laughed a lot.

I was thinking about the reason Toothless gives for Hiccup 'stopping'. Lack of O2 or really just entranced? hmmm.

Great chapter again, and I think that writing as you are (creating different mind-sets) is very difficult to do well and you are doing great.

Always looking for the next chapter!

Cheers, T.
Finmonster chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
Nice chapter, good to see Toothless' view again. You're getting close to the really good parts of the story and i can't wait to read them! I think you're doing great. Keep up the good work!
Angel of Randomosity chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
Woooooooowwww... I shall lovingly await the next installment. D
Masterweaver chapter 1 . 9/6/2011
Well, I said I'd do it... and it turns out I suck at summaries. So for all regular readers of the fic... I NEED HELP! The trope page needs a better description, any tropes you think are appropriate, and just attention in general.

Hijokugei chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
Dude, this chapter was possibly even better than the norm! Introspection a la Toothless and his contradictory feelings is quite interesting. It'd be very interesting to see it from some of the other Dragon's POV as well.
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
Yes, I think it turned out fabulous. :)
yamiishot chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
Oooh loved this :3
Irako of the Desert chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
I think it came out ok. It seems like you're inserting missing moments, though, instead of writing from the movie. Maybe it's just me, since it's been a few weeks since I watched the movie. If you aren't already, go back and watch the movie and figure out the section you want to write about and which dragon's point of view you're writing from. Then as you're watching, jot down whatever thoughts come to you.

That would be what I'd do, if I were writing this fic. At the end, it gets kind of hard, because there's lots of dragons. Should you write the fight with the gigantic dragon from its point of view or from Toothless's point of view? How are you going to justify how quickly the other dragons learn to trust the other guys in time to fly in and save the day?(Personally, I thought Toothless would have been thrown in one of the pens while Hiccup and Stoick had their fight, during which Toothless managed to convince the others that humans weren't all bad.) I get your pain, and still admire you for being able to come up with a new chapter.

I really like being able to read these chapters, point to something, and say "I remember that part! (insert dragon here) would totally say that!" I actually went back and watched the movie in order to figure out why Toothless thought Hiccup called him "footfall", and realized that "bud" sounded like a footfall. ("Ember-hiss" was easy for me) I enjoyed going back to find out why you'd written something a certain way.

I support you and look forward to the next chapter!
Qille chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
Ooohh, a non-movie scene! By the way, yay, I'm reviewer 199! If I had a bit more patience, then I would be the 200th reviewer! But alas, I have none.

Anyways, as usual, awesome chapter! I love the idea that Toothless is training Hiccup. I love how he flew up into the orange clouds to calm Hiccup down. That scene painted a beautiful image in my mind! *daydreams*

ANYWAYS! Toothless is thinking about bringing Hiccup back to the Nest! What an interesting thought...

On a completely different subject all together, I saw your deviantART account, and let me tell you that you have got talent! Your drawing for Vestige was awesome! And I showed my brother and sister "Plastic Adventures" and we all agree that you should make more of those!

Okay, that's all I can think of at the moment. Stay awesome!
Calico chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
Well this was an interesting interlude, kind of a filling in the blanks. I can see some definite foreshadowing to upcoming scenes that leave me grinning. Also this underlying idea that Toothless is planning on whisking Hiccup off to the nest already and wanting to "make him help" is intriguing. I don't think it's been brought up before (and if it has many apologies for my horrible memory), but it leaves sort of a sinister(?) vibe. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and we know all the characters go through a process of change throughout the movie, so why should Toothless be any different? Anyway, can't wait to see how this all plays out!
dogman15 chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
Good chapter. It didn't exactly match up with a scene from the movie, but it fit very well with your style. The lengths you went to to "spit it out" were worth it!
Love it chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
Still coming out awesome!
Vilinye chapter 21 . 9/6/2011
I still like the originality of it.
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