Reviews for Beginning a New Path
EZRINGAMER chapter 1 . 11/13
this story has been doing all the for like 14 years for crying out loud this is old and it's still getting updates
Guest chapter 22 . 10/28
How about doing a Babylon 5 or Star Wars crossover section or even Warhammer 40k or Mass Effect
Guest chapter 51 . 10/6
You need to chill with all the idiotic "(blank) Wizard" and "(blank) Mage" shit, it's annoying, jarring, and idiotic. Just use his damn name or a damn pronoun.
Guest chapter 36 . 10/6
Yet another arc filled with plotholes and idiotic BS. 90,000 midichlorians required to force teleport. Anakin had a Midi count of 27,000 the highest ever recorded so then please explain how all the mostly sith and some jedi who could force teleport did so when their midi count couldn't have been over 27,000 let alone anywhere near 90,000. Seriously it's this kind of blatantly retarded shit that is ruining this story.
Guest chapter 32 . 10/6
Should have stopped after the enterprise Arc it's been all downhill from there.
Guest chapter 31 . 10/6
Yup I was right the Justice league Arc was utter retarded horseshit so many many plots holes and straight BS that it has sunk the story to the point there is no coming back
Guest chapter 29 . 10/6
The Justice league Arc unfortunately basically cemeted this story as being a flaming pile of excrement. It started out pretty well but slowly turned into a shit hole. Harry has turned into a retarded adolescent emo loser and the plot is so full of holes there is nothing left to actually read because it's all idiotic nonsense.
Guest chapter 24 . 10/5
This story could have been good, unfortunately it's not. First off, no matter how many other idiots try you can not make a character both a pathetic little bitch and an OP badass it has never worked and never will. Second when you can't even keep your story straight to the point you literally contradict yourself even in the same damn chapter it means the story is doomed to be retarded garbage.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15
This person belongs on a fucking watch list, they apparently think rape, pedophilia and straight up lying to your significant other are perfectly acceptable things to do. Sure, that last one isn't illegal but it just reinforces that this person is clearly a scumbag.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/14
Sick pedo fantasy future rapist garbage, you belong on a watch list.
Guest chapter 9 . 8/14
Wow you didn't even make it to 10 chapters before your story went to shit. The entire premise of your plot was harry going from reality to reality al la Quatum Leap, now it devolved into peeping tom closet pervert who doesn't interact at all which makes the entire thing pointless and retarded.
IMPERIAL KN1GHT chapter 117 . 6/18
I'm really enjoying your stories keep up the good work.
Soul Sendant chapter 3 . 6/16
you pathetic rapist trash that wrote and read this should die slow painful deaths as thats all trash deserves.
drconaga619619 chapter 3 . 5/24
How do you read the smut?
asdrake chapter 117 . 5/17
Sky High X over?
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