Reviews for The Short Fuse
tallsunshine12 chapter 5 . 12/29/2021
I just wanted it to go on forever! What crazy antics go on behind Klink's back! Schultz was funny in your story, guarding the now-defused bomb from so far away! Surprise ending! I wasn't looking for that. Love how Newkirk stayed on scene to encourage Carter! Everyone did a fine job! Kudos! :-)
tallsunshine12 chapter 2 . 12/29/2021
Funny opening chapters! Everyone's in character, although Carter may not be feeling his usual cheery self right now. Kinch is Hogan (stalwart and determined) in disguise!
mrspencil chapter 5 . 10/3/2019
An excellent filling in of gaps in the episode. I enjoyed the expansion of Carter’s trials and LeBeau, Kinch and Newkirk keeping everything going. Very well done:-)
fluffykitty12 chapter 5 . 1/31/2016
Aileil chapter 5 . 12/10/2014
Thank you for this story, even if it is a bit scary. I can just imagine the look on Hogan's face when he found out the bomb was real. :)
SaraiEsq chapter 5 . 9/15/2014

Love it!
Sgt. Moffitt chapter 5 . 11/13/2011
I first read this story a long time ago, in fact I was one of the people who nominated it for a PBA. But when I decided to read it again, I watched the episode carefully for references to what was going on underground during the defusing of the bomb in the compound. And it amazed me how much more drama had to be going on than the episode showed! You've done a wonderful job here, by taking the basics of the situation presented, and the few (very few, considering the gravity of the situation) dialogue cues provided to construct Carter's experience during the cave-in.

I loved all the characters; each one showed heroism during the crisis, but Kinch, Newkirk and Carter were particularly striking. Kinch, for the pragmatism and cool head the situation required, Newkirk for his determination to not leave Carter alone, and Carter for his very human feelings of self-doubt, agonizing fear, and physical discomfort, and yet somehow managing to rise above all that and do what needed to be done.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this. It really made the episode complete, and so much more meaningful.
snooky chapter 5 . 3/4/2011
This episode was crying out for some missing scenes. Loved the last line! You really brought out the danger faced by someone caught in a cave-in. I assume more men besides the main team, were eventually involved in the final digging.
konarciq chapter 5 . 1/20/2011
Great addition to this story - the episodes story just wasnt finished!

And Carter pulling rank at the most impractical moment...

Loved especially the end - how to solve the impending crater in the compound LOL
nomdeplume13 chapter 5 . 8/3/2010
Excellent pickup of the other half of the episode that we didn't get to see.
Frau Linkmeyer chapter 5 . 7/13/2010
Yeah Carter did good! I'm glad Hogan wasn't angry with him. Great job on the story.
Kirarakim chapter 5 . 7/8/2010
That would have been quite something if the episode really did end like that, a nice touch of irony. I can imagine all the work that will go into fixing up the tunnels.

I really enjoyed this extended look at the episode. I love that Newkirk refused to leave Carter and hearing Hogan praise him in the end was a really nice touch. Looking forward to your next story. :)
Deana chapter 5 . 7/7/2010
Great chapter! Brilliant idea at the end! I can't wait for chapter 6!
ColHogan chapter 5 . 7/7/2010
Very well done in capturing what each of the men were experiencing in the episode. I suspected Hogan wouldn't be upset with Carter, but those last words pretty much said what Hogan was thinking in possibly explaining the crater in the middle of the compound if there should be a cave-in. Sorry to see it end.
Bits And Pieces chapter 5 . 7/7/2010
Ha, that last line was perfect! This is one of my favorite episodes, and I think you did an excellent job filling in what happened during that scene. I'd always wondered, myself, what was going on underneath that fake bomb, and your interpretation fits perfectly. You have all the men in character, and I could see this happening as if it had really been in the show. Great job!
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