Reviews for Thinking in Little Green Boxes
PugfacePaladin chapter 15 . 9/23
I keep forgetting that harry has a team of pikachu
FlawedBauthor chapter 7 . 8/20
Maybe don't write cursing into your story if you're too much of an idiot to actually write them? Are you four? Mummy won't ground you, retard.
Sakura Lisel chapter 5 . 8/8
Um… unless they brought one of those deluxe size BIGGER minivan/cage like police cars, how the heck did the muggles even manage to get somebody as big and tall as Hagrid into a regular sized police car without him taking up EVERYBODYS space in that tiny little vehicle the cops usually drive around in. *lol* he’s bigger than the car with his tall body and long legs and everything else about his body that would make his ride miserabke. He shouldn’t even be able to bend over LOW enough to get through the car door.
AnthonyR89 chapter 31 . 5/15
...captain hydra made me twitch. fucking marvel.
ScarletRainbow1 chapter 10 . 3/31
Because the puffskeins sound like tribbles, could they BE tribbles? Evidently, if so, some idiot who was transporting a "controlled species" obviously didn't know of their unique biology, and appetite. Without its natural predator, they would multiple too fast. Did Star Trek (either TOS, TNG, or the cartoon) ever show evidence of what the predator may have looked like? Maybe, 'we' could find such an Earthly predator?

Could that be a new crossover story?
MarvinMartian009 chapter 24 . 2/16
Sirius should already know what a 'lift' is. There is one used at both the Ministry and St Mungo's.
Guest chapter 18 . 10/31/2023
Lost interest ever since he went back to the x-mansion after dropping the piano on Quirrell’s head. Story became bad like realllllllly bad
Guest chapter 8 . 10/31/2023
I hate that I’m enjoying this story so much lol it’s so dumb but everything fits somehow
Guest chapter 5 . 10/31/2023
Nah Harry’s mutant ability had no right to be that funny. Bravo on that author
lonewolf420 chapter 6 . 9/17/2023
Wait, if Harry has been picked up by Arthur by this point shouldn't Charles know Hagrid is telling the truth?
Mando-Vet chapter 47 . 7/27/2023
I find myself returning to this story every now and then, just to relive the insanity and awesomeness (is that a word? Eh, whatever) that this story brings, lol.
Mando-Vet chapter 48 . 4/10/2023
This is an outstanding story, nearly every chapter had me in tears from laughing so hard. 10/10!
Zero chapter 4 . 2/6/2023
Mando-Vet chapter 8 . 12/23/2022
This fic is so hilarious; I can't stop laughing.
Simianpower chapter 6 . 12/14/2022
The timeline in this is all over the place. I know it's a crackfic, but c'mon!
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