Reviews for When I Am Wise
Celandine Brandybuck chapter 1 . 6/5/2002
Beautiful back story - Elros and Elrond are completely believable as brothers, their attachment to each other rings very true. You chose interesting reasons for them each to have made the decisions that they did... Elros will achieve immortality through his descendants. Touching that Elrond already regrets his. And the references to earlier events, and foreshadowing of later ones, are nicely integrated. [One v. small nitpick - a cube has 6 sides. ;-)]
Allyse chapter 1 . 6/4/2002
This was... wow. Just wow, I think. What a beautiful, bittersweet parting. Once Elros set sail, after all, the two would never see each other again. You sketched this out just beautifully.

I admit that I've always pictured Elrond and Elros as twins, rather than siblings of different ages. I'm intrigued at the prospect, although I think I would have been even more intrigued if you'd made Elros the elder. :) Mind you, I haven't had the chance to read anything beyond Silm and UT, so perhaps there's confirmation in HoME that I've never seen.

Thanks for a really lovely story.
Altariel chapter 1 . 6/1/2002
So many moments of bittersweet beauty in this story... "Wouldn't that be romantic to choose a mortal life for love..."; the idea that there have only been seven generations of Elves (which I had not really thought about); the choice to leave behind one's history, the place where one was brought into the world, without feeling one has betrayed it...

The final paragraph is just lovely lyrical prose. Thank you, Deborah.
Rociriel chapter 1 . 5/9/2002
I just found this and I loved it! I am interested in anything to do with Elrond. Thanks!
NickelS chapter 1 . 5/1/2002
Wow. Very deep, and very sorrowful too. Both of them are characterized really well; Elrond as the serious older brother looking out for his younger sibling and Elros as the more innocent one.

Strangely enough I thought one of the more powerful descriptions you had is the one about their hands being so unique.

(That crack about Galadriel is hilarious too _')
naltariel chapter 1 . 4/30/2002
Have I reviewed this one? I am sure I have read it, and now I am reading it again for reference for my other fic concerning Elrond. Every time I read and reread your stories, they inspire me in new ways.. just like when I read sillmarillion. I finally read it systematically and not jumping here and there. :-).

elros and elrond... ah they were so wise. i wonder where did they learn that? was it inherited? I mean maglor couldn't have taught them all the wisdom they had had, could he? And if he did, then it was a great loss that he vanished into the sea. Poor thing. I always pity him most among Feanor's family.
jilian baade chapter 1 . 4/17/2002
Finally read this, and liked it. Interesting how Elros choose to be mortal because he wanted lots of lots of decendants, I was a bit like Elrond and imagined he choose mortality for the sake of a woman. I have always felt Elrond choose to be of Elven kind not for immortality but for other unknown reasons, and now you have cleared it up! Thanks for another great story.
sketch chapter 1 . 4/6/2002
Just the other day, my sis and I were talking about why Elros chose to be a mortal. It was a pleasent surprise to find your story! -
Lurea chapter 1 . 4/5/2002
I very much enjoyed the exploration of Elrond's motives for his choice. In addition, the request of Elros to Elrond was striking. Intellectually, I knew Aragorn and the Dunadain are kinsmen to Elrond, yet this story makes it so much more clear.
Gala chapter 1 . 3/29/2002
This fic is wonderfull! PLEASE, write more stories about Elrond and his brother Elros, I love the fics about The Silmarillion!
Ekuboryu chapter 1 . 3/24/2002
This was really beautiful, I daresay the best Tolkein fanfiction I have ever read by someone I didn't know personaly. I love the way you showed the characters and the way they spoke to one another. Really nice.
Woman of the Dunedain chapter 1 . 3/11/2002
wow! This is so good. I love anything that has to do with Elrond and his decendents, Elros, and so on. Great writing!
Philosopher at Large chapter 1 . 3/7/2002
Wonderful job at amplifying what is implicit in the Canon, both in terms of characterization and the metaphysical implications of immortality/mortality. Elegantly written, and not gratingly modern in tone, either.

Tolkien hoped that other people would keep writing (or "discovering") the history of Middle Earth, which with all the backstory he bequeathed to us (including alternate versions, which is just like real history) makes him the most fanfic friendly author ever. I look forward to more chronicles!
Le Chat Noir chapter 1 . 3/3/2002
That's a wonderful fic. Thanks for reviewing my stuff ! I don't really like the character Elrond in the book, but in this you wrote him really well. And, one question, is it actually said in the book that Elrond and Elros lived with Maglor ? I don't remember that. Stupid me.
Arwen Imladviel chapter 1 . 2/27/2002
You reviewed my stuff, so I got curious and read yours. I see I'm not the only one with Silmarillion fever! I can see with my mind's eye young Elrond attempting escape with baby Elros...

Now I'm gonna read the sequel...
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