Reviews for When I Am Wise
No name please delete chapter 1 . 2/26/2002
Wow...that is brilliant. and beautiful. and true. and powerful. Made me cry.

One of the very best things I have read here.

Thank you.
onwwhocares chapter 1 . 2/26/2002
loved it, needn't say more
Nimue chapter 1 . 2/26/2002
This is a very lovely piece. You've done a terrific job with interpreting the character, and I hope you'll continue to spin more tales about Elrond's past. Please, keep up this magnificent work!
Sorne chapter 1 . 2/26/2002
Excellent! I thoroughly enjoyed that for so many reasons - poetic, well-written, great characterisation, well researched and well...just a great story! Well done! Very well done indeed!
Gerald Tarrant Rocks My Socks chapter 1 . 2/25/2002
Oh coolness! I was SO happy to find your fanfic on here cuz Elrond is my fav character and I can almost never find anything to read about him! It was so cool! I'm reading the Silmarillion right now (but not even close to finishing... stupid school) and I love it! Keep up the oh-so-very-awesome work on your fanfics!
odyssey1 chapter 1 . 2/25/2002
This is brilliant ! Ive been waiting for someone to explore Elronds character a little more. Your stories ( at least the three that Ive read ) are great and give the reader an insight to people or situations from a different perspective. I enjoy reading them a lot. Id love to read a young Elrond-series and would not complain if you also wrote something more about Elros. :o)
Soledad chapter 1 . 2/19/2002
A very interesting approach on Elrond's decision. I especially liked the fact that you put Elros into this story - he is so neglected. And that considering the fact that he is the founder of the NĂºmenorean kings! I think your story is only the second one I saw him featured. It's refreshing to find an author who actually knows the background stories, after all that singularly movie-based stuff that floats around.
Isabeau of Greenlea chapter 1 . 2/19/2002
It's been ages since I read the Silmarrilion, but it looks like I'm going to have to get a new copy:-) I liked your characterisations of young Elrond and Elros very much ("that old lady? How many husbands does she need?"), particularly the convesation about Elros' many intended offspring. By all means, write more Young Elrond Chronicles!
b chapter 1 . 2/18/2002
this is a great story so far...what a pleasure to read a story written with such effort. it's nice how it corresponds to tolkien's books. if you write more, i look forward to reading it...
Oboe-Wan chapter 1 . 2/18/2002

Oh, so beautiful!

(Curse it! I was gonna write this scene! Well, almost. Something similar, anyway. But you did it so beautifully - and probably better than I could've!)

You made Elrond, oddly enough, VERY in character. he always grated on me in the Lord of the Rings, then I started poking through the appendices of the Return of the King, and the Silmarillion, found out how horrible his life has been at various points, and it totally changed my view on things. And I love him in this fic!

I also think the personality you've ascribed to Elros is very appropriate, not to mention likable and charming.

["Will you teach my children what you learn?" Elros said.]

This line, as I'm sure it was intended to, made me think of Aragorn (Estel! *sob*), and made me want to cry! Er... not that other things in the fic didn't.

Really beautiful! Awesome job! I can't wait to read more of your Silmarillion stories!
Alex.Here chapter 1 . 2/18/2002
Wonderfull story - THAT is the kind of story I read fanfic for, showing me things possible I had not yet thought of.

Keep writing!
Jacynthe Demorae chapter 1 . 2/18/2002
Brava! A great first story, and tackles a very interesting topic. Good knowledge of the backstory (I love Silmarillion-based stories.) Only one error that I saw: IIRC, Elrond and Elros are twins. (I's late, and my books are heaven knows where, so I can't check.)

More young Elrond stories? Oh, yes! I'll be watching for them!
Riah-chan chapter 1 . 2/17/2002
Wow! I'd never read a story about a young Elrond (or Elros). This one was quite interesting and well written. I had often wondered how he felt to separate from his brother by choosing immortality... thank you for this peek!
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