Reviews for A Tempo
anothergleekgirl chapter 16 . 7/20/2023
i thoroughly enjoyed this chapter.. and this is prob my 5th time reading this story. it's been one of my abs faves since i first read it! it's got the full spectrum of emotions - i laugh i cry i blush i cuss & make lewd gestures - it's the total package! :)
anothergleekgirl chapter 9 . 7/20/2023
LOL poor Tank indeed. love the chapter title and everything in it! all the best fluffy finchel feeeeeeels xoxo
Cheryl chapter 5 . 2/27/2018
okay Michael is really starting to work my nerves lol where's a good belt when you need one? Also Finn is still as sweet as ever with Rachel being so sad aww. I love this story, and I love Glee even after so long. I never did watch seasons 5 and 6 because I couldn't handle life for a bit post Cory but I did a few months ago on Netflix and while the writing completely took a nose dive and it was just awful (seriously Gangnam Style sung by Tina? Mr. Schuester singing Blurred lines with schoolchildren and puppet dreams caused by stuff floating through vents which ends in a rendition of What Does the Fox Say? My God I'm kinda glad I never watched it live, the embarrassment is real for myself and for the cast's sake...Ryan Murphy is an overzealous, overachieving baffoon but he gave me Glee so I can't be too mad) I still enjoyed the music and Kurt, Rachel and Blaine were simply beautiful (though what was with Santana doing DROMP, seems to me that was completely disrespectful to Lea/Rachel as there was no need for anybody but her to sing it and the whole storyline behind it seems like it could cause an actual riff between the two given DROMP is a Broadway tune and Lea sung it amazingly in season 1 and the digs thrown at her by Santana during then was so out of line and a tad too real for my liking...though I have met Naya 3x and she does give me bitchy vibes so I can't be too surprised at her "Feud" with Lea or that crap of a book she wrote) ANYWAYS I'M RANTING AND I SHOULDN'T BE. This story is wonderful and as a 33 year old new mom with nothing to do other than dirty diapers and scrub bottles, diving back into my fave show seemed wonderful and somebody mentioned fanfiction and this was a story I found of Finn and Rachel and had to read.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/27/2018
Bev beltz chapter 20 . 10/14/2016
This was a great story .well written .
ItsaGleeThing chapter 20 . 7/11/2015
I love this fic so freaking much! Thank you for writing it!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/2/2015
I love it! Thanks for sharing!
ItsaGleeThing chapter 20 . 1/10/2015
I adore this fic. I'm pretty sure it's like my 17th time reading it 3?
troyella2468 chapter 2 . 6/1/2014
Loved it
troyella2468 chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
Aww loved it
Guest chapter 20 . 3/29/2014
This was one of the best Finchel fanfiction stories I've ever read! Laughed, cried, and several "OMG" 's. Great job!
playtime2507 chapter 20 . 3/13/2014
I loved this story!
RockerPrincess83 chapter 20 . 3/11/2014
This was wonderful! An absolute delight to read. Great job :)
RockerPrincess83 chapter 19 . 3/11/2014
How cute! Exactly what I hoped for and then some :)
RockerPrincess83 chapter 18 . 3/11/2014
OMG I didn't see that coming, well the Puck thing no, but Andrew slipping up about baby yes. I can't wait to see how the next conversation goes :)
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