Reviews for Have a Nice Day!
Guest chapter 12 . 12/18/2020
God this is beautiful
Anon chapter 11 . 12/18/2020
This was amazing. Really good shit, bravo
Ash Juillet chapter 20 . 12/10/2020
This story was wonderful. I don't usually read Muggle AU stories, but your Tom had me hooked till the last chapter. I read the entire story in 3 hours, and I loved it so much. I loved the way you portrayed Tom, and his character development was amazing. When Lestrange attacked Hermione and Tom saved her, the way you portrayed his thoughts and his immediate reaction to the scene in front of him gave me goosebumps. The good kind. And when Hermione 'lost' her memory? It was so heartbreaking and I felt so bad for Tom, and then, you suddenly revealed that her mind was perfectly intact. Wow! Great job on that! Cygnus Black was one mysterious character, and I'd have loved to read more about him. Your story was brilliant with its details about banking and finance and AI. I really ANDROID the story (Get it? Enjoyed? Android? :D )
pretzeledsticks chapter 1 . 9/14/2020
Love your work.u really are a phenomenal keep is a pleasure to read your work.
Guest chapter 20 . 9/13/2020
I loved it!
Guest chapter 19 . 9/13/2020
Guest chapter 18 . 9/13/2020
Oh no!
Guest chapter 13 . 9/13/2020
Guest chapter 9 . 9/12/2020
On the edge of my seat!
CaptainAmerica chapter 20 . 9/4/2020
Oh my god oh my god I’m so SLOW. I knew that dialogue was familiar and I’ve rarely gotten past the first five minutes of the Social Network due to film analysis classes assigning it. And I’ve actually sat through the Social Network without clocking out after 5 minutes or knocking out aND IM JUST NOW UNDERSTANDING THAT REFERENCE AFTER YEARS OH MY GOD

Needless to say I love coming back to this story because of how well you develop the relationship between Tom and Hermione and the clever incorporation of pop culture references.
bashfullygrumpy chapter 20 . 8/25/2020
Fuck. This is perfection !
LuckyJill chapter 20 . 6/3/2020
Fantastic. One of the few Tomiones I actually believed could happen. The leap Tom has to make from evil and ruthless to love and trust is usually too great. And Hermione’s willingness and ability to overlook all the evil in his soul and the horrible things he has done and can do - it is something I never believe because it is so against grain on who she is.

But neither one of them loses who they are here. They actually grow, they don’t just fall in love and remain the same, only with a blind spot to the problem that is the other. Stories can become a bit tired when those blind spots lead again and again to mistaken trust which acts as the engine that provides the ongoing conflict. I mean, there are a number of other Tomiones that I have enjoyed immensely. But this was the most satisfying.

Very impressive. I wish I had half the well applied creativity and ability you do speechwriter.
Lisamalvina chapter 20 . 5/20/2020
Wow, I really enjoyed that! Thank you so much for writing a really interesting story!
moralllygrey chapter 20 . 3/27/2020
Lol if you added children in the epilogue I would be concerned. Tom is definitely not the fatherly type
moralllygrey chapter 17 . 3/27/2020
He really does genuinely love her. Even with his temper and messed up ideals he cares enough to Write her a poem.
That's so sweet!
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