Reviews for Have a Nice Day!
Booklvr.Annie chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
ILike this alot so far, cant wait for more.
ClaireReno chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
So this is your new story... interesting :D

Definitely goes to Story Alert :)

VoldeMart? (LOL)

Update A.S.A.P.!

Anna on the Horizon chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
Wow. That was...interesting. And very original, too. That might've just been one of those most original pieces of fanfiction I've ever read, so good job on that front.

First of all, the name VoldeMart made me laugh. I really love how you've managed to transform a lot of the aspects of the regular HP verse into yours, like with Griffin's Door, Slither's Den, Raven Club, and Huff'n'Puff.

While I like what you've changed, I also appreciate what you've kept the same, because it just wouldn't feel right if everyone wasn't worshipping at Tom Riddle's feet.

Also, another thing that really stood out to me was that you included characters who lived in the 1940's (Tom Riddle, Armando Dippet), but one of Hermione's initial thoughts on Hogwarts was: "Honestly, going into the fields to go to school in a castle? What the hell was this, the 1940s or something?" I thought that was incredibly ironic.

Great chapter. I can't wait to read more! :)
sweet-tang-honney chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
great frist chapter
completelyblank chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
I don't usually read Harry Potter fanfics that don't include magic,however i like the concept and am excited to see where this goes. :)
Whiterose619 chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
You've definitely set up an interesting foundation for the story. I like the idea of fanfic that's more than just humor or fluff, although I think you could insert humor in parts that would definitely only enhance the story. Especially if you intend to include social commentary...I didn't care too much for the language though, so I hope its not prevalent. Overall, I thought it was a great start...I want to read more :)
Kako chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
Yay 1st review FTW! xD

I know you're not intending this to be "funny," per se, but I did find your summary/title combination humorous xD And the first chapter as well-I can see where there is the opportunity to present the situation with plenty of humor, but you've also got a really interesting set-up for something deeper. The language was a bit of a turn-off, but I'm glad you warned us ahead of time xD I'm also a little curious as to the mix of characters you've got here-normally OC's are a cue for me to duck and cover, and while there's no "time travel," you're still bringing Hermione into the world of TMR's year and classmates (Abraxas, etc xD) so I really would like to know more about this AU and how everything works. The plot should be really interesting, once you get going with the story. So hopefully, here's some motivation for you! ) Keep it up, I want to read more!

Also: I know you didn't list any specific genres, but are you planning for any romance between Tom and Hermione? 3 I couldn't help asking, haha xD

Update soon!

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