Reviews for The Girl's Alright
Guest chapter 3 . 2/25/2024
Great story. I love how the characters interact. Yes, Spock IS a brat!
whirlingskirts chapter 9 . 6/12/2021
“‘Cause I know everyone wanted a little bit more on that Comm Link episode.”

Absolutely! Back reading this again in 2021. What a satisfying story! Thanks!
cutemara chapter 11 . 3/26/2020
Came back to read this all these years later! :D
tanseynz chapter 12 . 9/20/2018
A remarkable story. I really enjoyed the way you wrote Spock’s bewilderment about so many things. T’Pring’s grossly superior knowledge versus Spock’s adolescent (and not so adolescent) tantrums, all masked in ‘logical calm’. As always, that stance by Vulcans is hilarious as well as self-defeating.
The ending was just so appropriate. Spock with someone not afraid to kick him where it hurts, and T’Pring with a mate who expertly combines surface calm with the volcano that male Vulcans have going for them. What she really needed.
whirlingskirts chapter 12 . 8/14/2018
I love happy endings and I loved this story! Thank you!
whirlingskirts chapter 10 . 8/13/2018
Love the way you mesh this story with "Descartes"
whirlingskirts chapter 3 . 8/13/2018
This is the first story I've read that explored preteen Spock's internal rejection of his own humaness in anything like a realistic way. He is usually a victim of Vulcan disdain and is selfless and wise far beyond his years etc., etc. Preteens are self-involved and that makes them mean sometimes - even when they don't intend to be. I am enjoying your story and thanks for writing a likeable T'Pring.
whirlingskirts chapter 1 . 8/13/2018
Re your 4 year old as a Petri dish — remember when that teacher was fired for saying her preschoolers were “germ bags”? When I read it I thought, “you can be fired for telling the truth”? Lol!
MargotTenser chapter 12 . 7/24/2015
I loved this story. I thought it was interesting how fair you were to Spock and T'Pring. She was involuntarily a chain to him. And she set them both free. Lovely work.
Rine Wolve chapter 12 . 3/25/2015
I liked this story soooo much! It is a very sensitive subject... and you've tackled it very sensitively. I've felt for both T'Pring and Spock; she was trying soo hard (and that was actually her problem: she was trying too much) and he was... simply not into her. Sometimes, the word 'bastard' came to mind, regarding Spock :-D although I could see his point of view as well. They were so incompatible, it hurt.
My favorite chapter is where they nearly have sex :) It was soo sweet and, once again, sensitively tackled. And, in a way, it's better they stopped: two kids trying to have sex, neither one of them knowing what to do (one of them not even in love with the other)?! :)))))
Of course, the comm incident had me laughing out loud. It was such a good comical relief after all the tension in the description of their relationship. The word 'bastard' comes to mind again, though :)
I like your view on Spock.
Thank you for this!
Monki-Neko chapter 12 . 7/23/2014
I like your version of T'pring! the one I saw from the original enterprise series did make me think she was sort of a bitch but you pointed out that according to canon qnd some fanon, Spock was known to be a bit of a player. And she had every right out of focus to try and dissolve the bond and if he had treated her the way she had in this story, any woman would have been compelled to see him pay. I am glad though that both of them got their happy endings.
Terahlyanwe chapter 12 . 6/2/2014
D'awwww. I really enjoyed your portrayal of T'Pring. I never did like how she always gets a bad rap almost everywhere.
MarissaTodd chapter 12 . 3/18/2014
Good story, though I am kinda disappointed. I wanted Spock and T'Pring to end up together. I also wanted to kill Spock, but that was just because I think he needed to understand the hurt he brought to others.
Sikudhani chapter 12 . 12/8/2013
Your stories, they just seem to make me feel happy? Wonderful? I can't describe it well but it's like refreshment. I've read so many origin stories about Spock but none really felt as if they could have really happened. Like they were not only enjoyable but believable. This fits just perfectly.

Loved every word.

Kuri333 chapter 12 . 5/29/2013
Great story! She was, in fact, a nice girl. And I finally got to find out about the comm incident. Embarrasing indeed.

Thanks a lot for sharing!
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