Reviews for Will you be my daddy?
usernamenotfound101 chapter 29 . 5/27
Currently on chspter 29. 28 has STUNNED me.
usernamenotfound101 chapter 23 . 5/27
I very much like how you had introduced Snape into the story. im only on chapter 23 currently, but im loving the story. glad to see im also not the only Ginny hater.
usernamenotfound101 chapter 1 . 5/26
Just finished the first chapter. So far I think this is a wonderful idea/story. Scorpious is adorable.
HoneyBear84 chapter 45 . 5/21
Love it
Elune chapter 5 . 3/2
Plot has turned ludicrous.
Erin Black chapter 6 . 1/29
No going to lie but this is crazy clichéd and very poorly plotted. Feels very off just reading dialogue
Grace chapter 17 . 12/12/2023
is that ginny
Grace chapter 13 . 12/12/2023
I love your stories
Grace chapter 12 . 12/12/2023
one number 5-69
Grace chapter 11 . 12/12/2023
Harry Potter knows how to play football? when did he learn?
Grace chapter 3 . 12/11/2023
Hello and salva
CantGetEnoughOfU chapter 45 . 10/15/2023
what's the title of the sequel?
Tundra849 chapter 3 . 10/1/2023
Hæ I like it story
love edward percy edsme eragon chapter 45 . 3/26/2023
I just have a question where can you find the sequel to this story I can't seem to find in. Just wondering that's all.
Rosie3745 chapter 45 . 3/11/2023
Found this all kinda lame tbh.
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