Reviews for Our Love Is Problematic
Ma1aika chapter 7 . 7/19/2010
Another great chapter (except for Miranda, I don't agree with what you said about her, what she would be expecting from Shepard, like to be perfect, if they were together) but that's your story, and I already knew this was going to be a Jack/Shepard, I just really like Miranda .

Anyway, that was some harsh ending fight, I wonder how this will work out further, Jack's "shields" seem to be at their strongest .

Can't wait, update soon P !
Noobbody chapter 7 . 7/18/2010
Wow, its really well thought out and written. I like your ideas of whats happening between the mission aboard the Normany, its very refreshing to read.

To be honest, Jack is not my favourite character in the ME universe, but somehow you managed to make me keep reading.

I really enjoyed Shepards flashback to his time with Ash( Ash is #1 ) and how he behaved after Horizon. Your Shepard is actually acting like hes got real emotions and is not a robot, that keeps on functioning no matter whats happening to him.

I also likes how you portray Miranda, its kind of sad to see her open up just to get burned, but Shepards thoughts in this matter are reasonable, even if I personally wanted it to be different...:)

Hell, I like everything... :D Even Jack.
Ledilettant chapter 7 . 7/18/2010
Complicated life.
Ma1aika chapter 6 . 7/18/2010
You have only 3 reviews for such a great story ? A pity, I love it, it's really well written, the characters personalities are deep and interesting and the chapters are long (don't like them short).

Honestly, at first, in ME2 I didn't really like Jack, cause it's true, she's a psycho x). But when you get to know her, you discover that she's just deeply scarred and quite sensitive under her shell. But, since I'm a girl and played as fem Shepard, I couldn't talk to her, get to know her as much as a man Shepard can, and your story fills the gaps .

Hope you'll update soon, I can't wait !
charbear chapter 6 . 7/17/2010
I really like it! It's well-written, funny, and you capture the characters perfectly. Totally looking forward to new chapters. :)
Ledilettant chapter 6 . 7/17/2010
Good work there isn't enough Jack & Shepard fanfic.
ClarkesLaw chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
I liek it

Just a one-word thing, though. Just because someone is biotic, does not mean that they are psychic. That's a trap that too many writers fall into. A biotic can generate kinetic forces...and thats about it.
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