Reviews for Our Love Is Problematic
sherndon86 chapter 1 . 5/29/2021
Oh man I remember reading this story years ago -I'm glad it's getting updated still. Can't wait to blaze through it again.
coastierks chapter 58 . 5/26/2021
Liked your twist on this quest and that you got it out of the way. Can't wait to see the big party.
Janizary chapter 57 . 5/11/2021
Yay. I thought you had been abducted by aliens...or political protestors :)

Love the casual clearing of the mercs (post fall).

Hope all is well with you.
shipwreck321 chapter 57 . 5/8/2021
It was surprise! Good surprise!
St4nhop3 chapter 56 . 5/19/2020
Calling it now. There's gonna be a bun, a bread, a pizza in Jack's oven pretty soon.
St4nhop3 chapter 56 . 5/19/2020
Calling it now. There gonna be a bun in Jack's oven pretty soon.
Warder117 chapter 56 . 5/19/2020
Wow, among the best of the best Mass Effect fics I've read so far. Sad Mordin died :( Looking forward to the next chapter, keep it up! :D
Janizary chapter 56 . 5/11/2020
I think I missed that cut-scene. And wondering where the Renegade interrupts were :)

Nice bit to see Miranda in the intelligence-gathering phase of her mission.
Janizary chapter 55 . 5/8/2020
That was both a different take, and more satisfying in some ways. Nicely done.
tykobrian0 chapter 55 . 5/6/2020
Oh my God! You're still updating! I started reading this when it first came out. Then for the last 5 years or so I was totally out of fanfiction reading. Now that I finally get some time for myself, no thanks to the worldwide corona pandemic, I decide to check out some of my fav fanfics. And here you are, updating this fav of mine! I'll be sure to read all of it and let you know what I think. I can't tell you how happy all of this makes me. Hope you're doing fine.
St4nhop3 chapter 55 . 5/6/2020
Glad you're back amidst the COVID plague of 2020 :D
coastierks chapter 53 . 4/27/2020
Great chapter, and welcome back.
Janizary chapter 53 . 4/24/2020
Welcome back.

Thought the grays had taken you :)

Glad to see the update. Liked the change up. Hope to see more soon. Hope you are well and staying safe.
shipwreck321 chapter 53 . 4/23/2020
i dont belive!
this is alive!
Guest chapter 52 . 3/16/2020
Is there any more?
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