Reviews for A Smarter Sookie
AZSeaOtter chapter 5 . 10/8/2018
Hahaha, that was awesome!
AZSeaOtter chapter 4 . 10/8/2018
I enjoyed Eric's POV...he's thoughts about humans and his resolution to allow Sookie to set the pace. Deferring would be the best way to fit in; especially if a vampire was trying to survive without having to glamour everyone in which they came in contact.
AZSeaOtter chapter 3 . 10/8/2018
I love your smart, pensive Sookie.
AZSeaOtter chapter 2 . 10/8/2018
Doris Lynch chapter 1 . 10/5/2018
Loved this story...sad to see you didn't continue it...I've read it for the first time and it's no hope that it will continue...hope everything is well in your life and thank you for sharing.
Kriannalfar chapter 47 . 9/18/2018
Loved this story I love smart ass Sookie and Eric! Would love to read more someday... off to check out your other work!
Oh-Zah-Shin-Quah chapter 47 . 6/16/2018
Okay so i just wanted you to know. I have madly fallin in love with this story. My biggest problem with Sookie has always been she is a very weak protagonist. You made her strong. I sincerely hope one day you'll finish this story, because it is a work of art , and now i am wondering how it is.

Have a good day!
WadadliWarrior chapter 8 . 6/3/2018
Girl, I know i'm late to the game but let me tell you, THE TEARS I WAS IN WHEN I READ "Bah-GAWK"! hilarious girl, i'm here for it hahahhaha
bashfyl chapter 46 . 5/31/2018
Pam saying she’d ask for a threesome and Godric responding with but what would you do? Is my favorite. Thanks for sharing! (It wouldn’t let me post this to chapter 47 so I put it here instead)
Doris chapter 1 . 3/1/2018
Damn...just read the first chapter..since it's not completed will not go on...not wasting time reading if it has no end...too are a good writer...I'm so sad this will never end.
HSkarsgard chapter 47 . 1/31/2018
I know it's been five years since the last update but I hope you come back and finish this great story.
SassyCass chapter 47 . 12/1/2017
Woman, you are fabulous! This is the best thing I've read in ages-and I read a lot, and some really good writing : ) !

I'm so looking forward to the next chapter's; until you churn them out, I'm going 2 skedaddle and check out what else you've written.

Thank you for sharing your talent. You bless us.
bashfyl chapter 47 . 8/16/2017
i really loved this. Sad there wasn't more. What we got was worth it though. Thanks for sharing.
bashfyl chapter 8 . 8/16/2017
This is the best chapter ive read in any fic in as long as i can remember. Thank You!
autumnchild25 chapter 47 . 8/11/2017
SOOOPHIIIIEEEE...( whines i high child like voice.) whens will you be up dating ?
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