Reviews for cheated out of love
ROSE'S TWIN chapter 13 . 10/17/2010
Noooo rose! Uhhh I hate tasha and evan! Come on dimitri come save her! Loved it and can't wait for the next one
iluvMomiji chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
baseballshoppingmomma chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
Soccergirl21 chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
god evans a bitch!
Lara172008 chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
OH MY GOD I HATE TASHA SO MUCH. I hope Dimitri kills her... wow that's kind of evil... oh well, shes such a bitch!

Please find her Dimitri :(

Really good chapter again, please update soon :)

Lara xxx
talkygirl chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
god i hate tasha! lovely chapter!
Dimka's chick chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
Can't wait till dimitri find her
PeaceRoseG'ladheon chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
Update soon!
ixdookiie chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
this is good...I watched the freedom writers movie :) it was good. update!
RedRoseBlackThorns chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
Colossal Titan's Hoe chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
Whoa. Intense. But Tasha has some mental issues. I'm picturing her in a big white bubble room in a straight jacket muttering things like, "he will be mine," and, "MY Dimka." lol. Cracking up at that thought _
Soccergirl21 chapter 12 . 10/14/2010
hahahA The truth comes out!
deliciouse chapter 12 . 10/13/2010
Alright! so its pretty serious that that crazy bitch has Rose and is going to do god knows what to her if they do not find a way to get to her, Tasha has to be taken down, alliminated if possible, she is a murderer and she will not stop at nothing to have Dimitri to herself.

But i so cracked up when Christian says at the end of the chapter" Fuck my Aunt is crazy!" poor bastard, i feel so sorry for Christian, but Rose means more to Christian than Tasha, Rose is his Sisiter, thats the type of relationship they have and i love the way they bat off each other when they are arguing, but hey don't really argue, thats just them.

Dimitri must be going Ape shit at the moment, he is stuck in the Hospital, Lisa has to try and heal him, otherwise ther is no way he can help Rose if he is Still weak. He's probably going out of his mind and full of rage, he is going to kill Tasha when he gets his hands on her, its one thing to kill his best friend and them try to kill him, but to try to kill the woman he loves, his soul mate, thats crossing the line.
RedRoseBlackThorns chapter 12 . 10/11/2010
Twilighternproud chapter 12 . 10/11/2010

Omg tasha has some serious issues ..
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