Reviews for Eros & Psyche
R0sie1994 chapter 1 . 2/12/2021
Just googled the mythological story, written by Lucius... another amusing link. To me at least
Siffter chapter 1 . 2/12/2021
Sorry to comment again... I don’t know how many times I kept saying to myself that this is the best story I have ever read!
Siffter chapter 1 . 2/12/2021
Wow! Such a great story, I can’t wait to see what happens next! Please update
armadillo4 chapter 67 . 2/9/2021
OMG NOOOOOOO MORE MORE MORE! I know it's been over a year, but this is an amazing fanfic with an incredible plot and I NEED MORE!
armadillo4 chapter 63 . 2/9/2021
dang this went from smut to horror. I love it-one of the best fics i've ever read.
R0sie1994 chapter 67 . 2/11/2021
So, she wants Draco and Blaise for revenge against past wrongs (the purchase and the Vella awakening), Eros and Theo seem to have a lot of physical characteristics in common so possibly related so she wants to punish him for the wrongs of Eros. This is so good! I hope you update soon.
SpringHime chapter 67 . 2/8/2021
I just devoured this story— I absolutely love it! I know you haven’t updated this in quite some time, but I hope some day you feel that passion for this story again because this has an incredible plot and I know we, the readers, would be honored to read any more that you write!
Emma Mullman chapter 67 . 2/4/2021
Guest chapter 67 . 2/3/2021
Please tell me this story is finished somewhere! It’s so good!
Ravenclaw's Redhead chapter 67 . 2/4/2021
I can't count how many times I've read this story over the last few years, starting from the beginning every time a new chapter is released. It's one of the most addictive stories I've come across, and I cannot WAIT for the end. I know that you're waiting until you've finished writing to post, so take your time, and know that many of us will be pouncing on the new chapter as soon as you release it!

Thanks for writing!
3 chapter 14 . 2/1/2021
Guest chapter 67 . 1/29/2021
Right so I've been silently following this fic for years... Oh please please please finish this story! This is the worst cliffhanger ever, its so close to figuring it all out
Guest chapter 67 . 1/27/2021
After 67 chapters, it’s unfinished! *Shattered
btbasb7 chapter 67 . 1/19/2021
This is my 7th time reading your beautiful story!
HannahPocket chapter 67 . 1/17/2021
first of all I want to say how much I have enjoyed reading your work! The subtle threads you've woven through the story are great. The chemistry between the characters is perfect and the smut is HOT HOT HOT! There were twists I didn't expect and you kept me excited to read more.

I love Ginny and Blaise's story. They are so firey! Definitely the couple I most look forward to. I didn't expect to like Seamus and Lavender, but they ended up being one of my faves! The image you paint of Seamus is so sexy. I'm always a sucker for a Dramione romance and yours didn't disappoint. I like how playful and romantic your Draco is. My heart broke for him in his last chapter. Theo's twisted backstory was so gut wrenching. I feel for him and Daphne and hope they get their retribution in the end. Pansy and Ron's story turned out so sweet! Who would have guessed that at the beginning. I'm so curious to see how Harry's story progresses. Is him being a horcrux going to come up?! How will his connection to the Peverell family play into it?!

I'm thrilled to hear via your updates you're still working on the story. It must be a huge undertaking to do while also keeping up with the rest of your life. Thank you for all the time you have already put into this thoroughly enjoyable tale and thank you for any future time you put into it. I will patiently wait for any new installments and probably reread in the meantime. Take care!
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